Chapter 6 Noella's filosofi

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Atlantis is quite similar to the 2000s, in addition to that they dress the same as you dress in Greece in ancient times. Some theories claim that Atlantis was an artificial island that was made ​​on a large machine. The more I look around the island the more likely those theories are.

The further into the island you get, the weirder the houses are. I continue to run until I stumble across something or someone.

I fell how the rocks scrape the skin off my hand. I sit up slowly and look att the person i stumbled over and there Aeolus sits and writes concentrated. He checks up quickly his eyes stop on a house behind me.

"What are you writing?" I ask curiously and go to check his notes.

"Just a little details about the environment and a little bit about the people, " says Aeolus short and stands up to continue to the next spot.

I go with Aeolus down to a square where he stops and look around.

"When you look around you, what do you see?" asks Aeolus very interested in my oppinion.

"I set a future city with a sad misty coat over it self. A lost city unaware of other civilizations, "I reply thoughtfully. Aeolus write down every word I say.

"I that's what i call philosophical," says Aeolus happily looking down at his paper with a big bright smile and completes the sentence.

I start thinking about our trip and the closer i think  on that it is impossible that we are in the Atlantic. If I had counted correctly we are 30 miles from Cyprus. That would explain why you could not find the town after it sunk.

Aeolus is looks at me.

"You know Ella I mostly edit Plato's text to see that they work with the content. You know correct the facts and such, "says Aeolus.

"When do you think we go back? "I asked curiously.

"If you can leave me alone and not interfere then we'll just need to stay one night, "says Aeolus in a harsh tone. He confuses me so much. First he's super nice and then he's so cold. Like he just shut's of his feelings completely. I just have to ignore that thought.

I do as Aeolus says and go away from the square. Instead  i go and explore the island. After a long hike, I come back to the market. To my surprise, people do not use anything to pay, they just take as much as you want without it costing anything. I take some fruit that I will dry later in the sun.

When I come back to the boat, it has darkened and Heraklesr is already asleep. I climb into the boat and lye down in a comfortable place and go to sleep.

When I'm about to fall asleep, I feel someone climbs into the boat and will hear snoring from the other side of the boat. After that I start dreaming about how I lose something important, but i do not remember what it was that was so important. I wake up with a jolt of someone climbing out of the boat.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. It is now certain, we leave today, "says Aeolus happily. I rub my eyes and then puts my hand on my neck. Just then panic spreads throughout the body. The amulet is gone. I'm sure I had it when I went to sleep the night before. I begin to rummage through the entire boat for the amulet, but can not find it. I know I will not be able to go from Atlantis until I found it.

"What is it you're looking for Ella?" Aeolus askes unsettled.

"My amulet. It's gone, "I reply in despair. Aeolus looks worried at me and promise me then to help me find the amulet before the end of the day. 

We start by checking the street where I stumbled upon Aeolus yesterday. Then we go to the square to see if it had fallen off when we stood and watched the buildings. When I look around, I see Heraklesr's shoe on the stairs up to the town hall. I do not think much about it, but insted continues to marketplace.

We arrive at the market where I picked fruit.

Aeolus starts looking through the rewards but the more fruit he was looking through the more worried I get.

"Maybe we can ask one of the residents of they've seen your amulet, "says Aeolus as friendly as he can. Which is pretty friendly when he try's. Aeolus walks up to a woman standing and looking at some cob.

"Excuse me. Have you seen a succinic colored amulet? "Asks Aeolus the woman. She looks at him confused, but responds politely; "A man ran with an amulet in to the town hall. I do not know if it could be just the amulet you are looking for, it was too far away to see the amulet color," Looks at me. 

"It is certainly worth a try, "he said encouragingly.

"We go there now, "Aeolus continues.

"I'll go there myself. You lose your temper quite easily, "I say seriously to Aeolus.

Aeolus nod and I go alone to the town hall. With every step I approach Heraclesr shoe. Hoping it is not who i think it is the woman saw.

I pick it up and continues into the building. On the outside the town hall most like one of the houses in the crowd, but inside the town hall, the decor is very special. It is furnished with high-tech lighting in the ceiling and buttons built into the walls.  

What is holding up the island has to be in here.

I continue into a room with four doors in front of me. Two doors open up and shows two walls behind them. I go back and open the other two doors. One door is just like the other two doors with a wall, but behind the other, there is a staircase that goes down to what I think is the basement. Just when I'm going to turn to go back, I hear something from the stairs. I throw myself down the stairs to see what is happening. Just then when I come down, I hear a bang and everything goes black. I lie on the stone floor in total darkness without any opportunity to move.

I wake up to someone throwing water on me. I open my eyes and there stands Aeolus and holding a bucket.

"I'm sorry but I had to follow you," says Aeolus and helps me up.

"I heard the bang and ran down here and found you unconscious on the floor. I ran up and filled the bucket with water, "plunged Aeolus."Please, can you stay here and this time i mean it do not follow me, "I say desperately, and look around. In front of me I see a tunnel and I start to run toward it. I run down the stairs, around corners, and finally, I run through a dark corridor. Finally, I come to a large gate. I push on the port. It is both heavy and sluggish.

After a few minutes of pushing, I start hearing footsteps. I push harder and luck to get the gate open.

Inside the gate is a machine. Just then I see someone standing at the main machine. The person seems to hold on to stop any cables with an amber amulet. I am a little uncertain but it looks like the person is trying to build a portal. A thought strikes me is that I have to take the amulet. But how?

I take a chance and runs toward the amulet, throwing me but instead i manages to capture the person. I fall over the person. praying to god that it is not who i think it is.

"What are you crazy?" Said a familiar voice. The person turns around. Heraklesr staring at me confused. My heart sinks fast. Just like i thought.

"Let me go Noella," says Heraklesr with a kind voice. I can feel the anger growing.

"You took my amulet!" I shout. Heraklesr gives me a mocking smile and get then out of my grasp.

I take the amulet before Heraklesr could to reach it. Just when I'm about to go out I hear Heraklesr take up something. I turn around and just in time to duck.

Authors notes: Next sceen will be the fight sceen. It going to be quite violent. At least in my perspective. Do not worry it's not very clearly described how they fight. But just the fighting for me is violent. Hope you liked the chapter and don't hate me for making Heraklesr the villan. If you ship Noella and Heraklesr. In the end i will write an alternate ending. Only if you wish for the scean.

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