Chapter 4 Time travel

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"Well, where was I? Right. What are your plans today, Grandma, "I said to the grandmother with tears in my throat.

"I thought that when we arrived we could rent a bike and cycle around the island. What do you think about it Noella, "said the grandmother happily.

"That sounds good, "I answer sobbing.


I look down att my wristwatch and realized that the ferry leaves in ten minuts. Grandma looks att me concerned and we start runing. When we were close to the boat i see the last person go on board the boat. I make a last effort and make a sprint towards the boat, grandma just behind me. We board the boat just before it leaves the pier. 

"That was close," I comment to grandma as i try to catch my breath. Granma only gives away a slight giggle and we continue to the other passingers on the boat. 

I start to look at the island were heading for. I wonder how it would have looked in ancient greece. The Boat starts to sway and suddenly I get a big wave me over and I get totally drenched. Something happens to the amulet, It starts to glow with a bright amber coloured light. The last thing I hear from Grandma is:

"It works, it works!"

After that floats I into a pink mist just like in my dream, and right as it is starting, I hear the wind around me and I feel that it moves . I hear shots, fighting, screaming, bombs blowing up and swords hitting each other in the background. Right then, I fall and hit the ground. Suddenly I'm att the pier again! I look around, the harbor and the newly constructed buildings are gone. The asphalt has been replaced by a cobblestone street.

There is a young man running in a cloth. He runs up to me and stare.

"Did your mother not teach  you that it's rude to stare," I told him.

"What are you wearing. It grotesk," the man said, helping me up.

"I'm Aeolus. I'm looking for Plato. What are you doing here lying on the ground?"

"My name Noella. It's French. I'm not realy sure why i'm on the ground. Can i come with you to Plato, "I said toAeolus.

"Why not. Though I don't realy know you. What was your name? Nella? "Asked Aeolus

"Just call me Ella for short. I'm from the north. "I said. I had already understood that I must have ended up in ancient Greece. He probebly does not know were Sweden is under this era. Grandma was therefore right when she said that she had traveled in time.

"You have weird clothes. Need help with getting clothes? "Aeolus said in a soft way.

"Yes, please. Is it alright if you pay? I do not own any money, "I said in reply.

And so Aeolus and i went to a market where they sold the drapes. I looked at all the women who went around and put up my hair to imitate their hairstyles. Aeolus bought me a beautiful cloth which I put on so that it looked good. Then we went to Plato's house.

I followed Aeolus to a small wooden door. Aeolus knocked on the door and a fairly young man opens the door.

"Hello Aeolus what is your errand that brings you here?" Said Plato,

"I am here to discuss your new writing. I have received a lot of complaints from the neighbors. I also came to tell me that I want to help you with the facts about Atlantis, "Aeolus said.

"Who is the beautiful young woman? "Asked Plato curiously.

"It's Ella. She's from the north. "Aeolus said."I was thinking of taking her to Atlantis. She seems very philosophical, and will surely be very astonished about the experience,"Aeolus ends and we go out from the house.

"We have to take a boat from Piraeus then we go to the Pillars of Hercules. There you can see the Atlantis. "Aeolus said, and put a light brown hairpiece behind his ear. He takes my head and  looks into my hazel colored eyes and says, "I want the food to be ready at 12:00." I looked at him confused but then understands what he means. He wants me to cook the food for the trip.

"What do you want for food? If you do not tell, you have to make the food yourself, "I said sourly.

"You should know! You're the woman here, "says Aeolus with hard tone and goes to the boat.

"Wait. It's you who have the money. You have to make dinner , or else i will not make the food for you,"I say and Aeolus hands over a bag of money and a list. I thank him and head to the market.

In the market I buy beans and lentils, 3 breads, figs, grapes, olives, fish and meat. I also buy cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves, cumin, honey and finally wine. I go back to the boat. The boat is Aeolus asleep. His goldentaned hand is outside the boat. I go and wake him.

"Where should I cook?"

"Go to the third house on the left where you were. If you enter the marble entrance you'll find yourself in a courtyard. My door is to the left of the well. Cook the food there. "Says Aeolus and fall asleep.

I walk back to there I started. I look around and see the marble entrance Aeolus talked about. I Enter and look around the courtyard. I find the well and continue to the door on the left of the well.  I walk in and find a place to cook food. While starting the fire i look around room. My gaze stops on a shelf filled with colorful ceramic bowl. I take down a large bowl and set it on the fire. I make three pots of stew, four soups and dri the meat with salt. I also try to make sun-dried figs. I stood up to twelve and made ​​pots for the trip so I almost forgot to make lunch. I'm going to cook lunch at half past  twelve and throw the remains of food in a pot and boil it in a little wine. I then run to the market to buy some more wine and bread.

When I come back Aeolus sits impatiently at his sleeping place.

"If you are not finished with the food yet? I've been waiting for ages, "Aeolus said sharply.

"Yes, i just ran to get som bread for the stew. What's planed for dinner today, "I ask Aeolus like it was obvious he would cook dinner. Aeolus look confused and do not understand what I mean.

"There ought to know," he said less safe now.

"But it is you who would make dinner," I said crossly and pour the stew to myself. After a while Aeolus begin to  understand what I mean. He begins to understand that he could not get away from cooking the food. I give him a bit of the stew, and we begin to eat.

After that, I went out to look around while Aeolus was given the task to wash and pack the food for the trip. It is crowded with men and women walking around on the streets.

I greet a few and continues towards the main square. It might not be much of a plaza but it's still just ancient times and it will take two thousand years before it gets to the square as we know now.

I continue my walk towards the boat to make sure that all preparations are complete. I look up quickly, but can not stop until I accidentally walk into a young man.

"Sorry," I say quickly,

"It's okay," said the young man quietly.

"I'm Noella. You can call me Ella, "I say slowly and look up. There is a young man maybe 20 years. He has curly auburn hair and olive green eyes.

Authors Notes: Omg, cliffhanger. So who do you think this young man is? Hope you liked the chapter. I was thinking about posting two times a week. Would you like it if i posted a new chapter 2 times a week? 

Questions for you readers: Which chapter is you're favorite?

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