Chapter 7 Back to Athen

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"What are you crazy?" Said a familiar voice. The person turns around. Heraklesr staring at me confused.

"Let me go Noella," says Heraklesr with a kind voice. I can feel the anger growing.

"You took my amulet!" I shout. Heraklesr gives me a mocking smile and get then out of my grasp.

I take the amulet before Heraklesr time to reach it. Just when I'm about to go out I hear Heraklesr take up something. I turn around and just have time to duck.


The rod hit the door with a loud clang.

Aeolus comes running in and attacking Heraklesr. Aeolus takes up an iron bar and they begin to fight. Heraklesr throw against me, but drop the rod hits some buttons. Heraklesr takes pole again and press towards the center where the main machine is. I try to have the amulet as far from him as possible but he is approaching and I pushed to the end against some of the levers.

Just when I think Heraklesr would take the amulet will Aeolus behind and press Heraklesr the control panel. It is a real fight. All buttons except one will be printed.

"Spring Noella!" Yells Aeolus and then press the last buttonbutton.I hear how a computer starts a countdown. Heraklesr screams of anger and starts beating on Aeolus.

I'm already at the open gate. Aeolus Heraklesr pressing down on the floor and then runs away with me.

We pressed back gate and Aeolus takes up a key from his pocket. He locks the door and then run away from the gate.

"We have only three minutes for us to take us from the island," småskriker Aeolus to me.

We run and run up the stairs through a door and out of the town hall. When we come out, I hear how something is counting down. The sound makes me run faster. When at last we are down, we beach is only a minute left on the count down.

Just when I will climb up into the boat, I see something glimmering on the water's edge. I go to see what it is. Look down and see a vakert cut ruby. I put it in my pocket and the dream of all you could do. I wake up with a start when I hear how the island counts down from 30 seconds. I feel panicked and ran toward the boat.

I push the boat out in the water and climbs then up.

Aeolus rowing as fast as he can, and let me then take over when we got a bit away from the Atlantis.

Aeolus starts reading through the text he wrote on the island.

I check out the island and I think I hear how it goes down to zero and suddenly disappearing island under water.

a big wave coming at breakneck speed towards us and gives us a big boost. Aeolus lose some of the parchments and shouts of anger. He takes up a fig and eating it up quickly.

The journey feels somehow faster on the way back. I navigate over a whole day, but then falls asleep from exhaustion. Meanwhile navigate Aeolus. When I wake Aeolus eat lunch. I'm taking over and rowing the fastest I can until my arms feel as if they should go in.

I give Aeolus oars and then eat some lunch.

"Thank you for lunch," says Aeolus politely.

"It's not much but I had not so much time, "I say, embarrassed and check then down a fig in my hand.

I and Aeolus do not talk more during the day but focuses us to navigate and row the boat.

I discover quite quickly why we were three on the trip and not two . Without Heraklesr we have hardly any time to sleep or rest.

After three long days, we are completely exhausted. Aeolus is grinigare than ever and have difficulty concentrating on rowing.

"Aeolus, we should probably stop at one of the islands and rest," I say yawning.

We go to the nearest island and go ashore. As soon as I come out of the boat, I run up to a patch of grass to lie down and fall asleep.

I wake up to a woman standing crouched over me.

"Are you okay?" Asks the woman. I sit up and look around for Aeolus.

"I'm fine. I was just tired and fell asleep, "I answer the woman and go back to äthe boat.

The boat is Aeolus and sleep. He light brown hair shimmers in the sun so that it looks like gold. When I look at him I just want to kiss him. He looks so beautiful out sleeper. What was I thinking I thought we could not stand each other.

I go back to my place of sleep and put me on the back. I start to feel homesick but remember that I do not know how to take me home.

I can feel the tears begin to flow down my cheeks.

"How is it?" Says the woman from before. I jump and sit up.

"I'm longing for home. But I can not get home, "I say, sobbing.
"Can I help you in any way? "Asks the woman."Can you maybe help me and my friend to come back to Athens? "I ask the woman.
"Of course I can. By the way my name is Xenia. "Says the woman, and come with me down to the boat. Down by boat will pick her own boat and attach it behind Aeolus boat. We climb down into the boat and Xenia begins to row quietly.

"We will arrive in Athens tomorrow morning," says Xenia.

When it begins to darken Aeolus wakes up and sits up quickly.

"What's going on? Who is the woman rowing my boat?" says Aeolus confused.
"We are on the way to Athens. We will arrive tomorrow morning. This is the Xenia, she will take us to Athens. You can go to sleep if you want, "I say quietly. Aeolus lies down again and I lie next to him.

When I scout up towards the sky, I see only a starless sky. It gives me a feeling of sadness. I sigh and then falls asleep.

I wake up to Xenia and Aeolus unloading the boat. Aeolus stands and eats a bunch of grapes while Xenia takes up the last of things. I look down at the water. Maybe I could take a swim before I talk to Aeolus. I need to get my feelings straight. The swim is refreshing but my feelings are still a muddle. I climb up in the boat and put on my clothes again. I climb out of the boat and see Aeolus waiting for me. I run to stand next to Aeolus.

Authers notes: Hope you liked the chapter sorry if anyone shiped noella and Heraklesr. If you comment on what you would like to happen if Noella ended up with Heraklesr. I promes to make a Version of youre pick. Just comment and i will make it happen. Next Chapter some romance will happen. So be ready. Please share with youre friends. I would love to get some responce on the book to make it even better.

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