Chapter 8 The kiss

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So this chapter may or may not be the last chapter. It all depends on you who are reading to comment. So please help me know what you would like to change in the story.

I wake up to Xenia and Aeolus unloading the boat. Aeolus stands and eats a bunch of grapes while Xenia takes up the last of things. I look down at the water. Maybe I could take a swim before I talk to Aeolus. I need to get my feelings straight. The swim is refreshing but my feelings are still a muddle. I climb up in the boat and put on my clothes again. I climb out of the boat and see Aeolus waiting for me. I run to stand next to Aeolus.


"You're up at last Noella," says Aeolus friendly.

"What was that you said?" I ask.

"That you finally .." responds Aeolus.

 "No, I mean you said my name," I say and turn towards him. He is closer than I think and our lips meet in an embarrassing kiss. The feeling of relief pouring over me. It feels as if I've lost weight and can walk with light steps. I turn away from the kiss but Aeolus remains blundering spirit.

"We should probably leave the text of to Plato," I say, embarrassed and takes him by the arm. Aeolus put his finger on his lips in confusion. I throw all the parchments to Aeolus.

Then I quickly walk towards Plato door with Aeolus in tow. I knock on the door. I try to seem impatient, as if the kiss was just a waste of my time, but deep down I knew it was exactly what I had longed for. Oh how i hade longed to kiss his beautiful peachy pink lips and just looking at his disappointed face made me want to kiss him once more. Just to get to feel is soft lips against mine. Wait  what am i thinking. I can't fall in love with a man from ancient Greece. We will never meet again. My crazy thoughts stop when Plato opens the door, and his face lit up. He waves us in and we follow him in to the house.

I lean against a wall in the hope that it will help me to keep me on my feet. Right now i feel like fainting.

"We lost a couple in the sea. I hope I have not ruined for you, "says Aeolus restless and takes my hand.

"You need not worry. It feels more philosophical when it ends like this, "says Plato happily as he glanced at the text.

I take out of the Aeolus hand and thanks Plato for his time to go to market. I felt that the best thing right now was to take me to a place without Aeolus. When I'm with Aeolus I can not concentrate. All my smart thoughts disappear and the only thing I can think about is him.

I'm going up to the market place and put me on a fountain's edge.

What is this. I can not be in love with him. It's just not possible. He's just .. just so wonderful. He has changed so much for my sake. He has changed his lifestyle for my sake. He lost a part of is parchments in the sea because i needed to find my amulet. I have to see the positives. Any thing negativ will ruin everything. 


I help Xenia to take up all the things out of the boat. I do my best not to wake Ella. Wonder where she's come in from. Maybe north of Athens. But no, it can not be right, she also has a kind of exotic look. I'm stuck in my mind and drop an oar in the boat. I look anxiously toward Ella but feel a relief when I see that she was still asleep.

After a while of hard working I feel hungry and take a bunch of grapes. I walk a few meters away from the boat so I do not disturb Xenia when she unloads. I look around waiting for Ella to wake up and after awhile see how Ella climb out of the boat and stands next to me.

The silence becomes too much and I say the first thing I can think of, "You're up at last Noella," I say, and see how she looks at me in surprise.

"What did just say? "she says, surprised. I do not really understand what she means but say it again;

"That you finally .."

"No, I mean you said my name," she says cheerfully, and turns to me. I turn in the same second, and our lips meet in a wonderful kiss. I wish that time would stop so I can enjoy the event, but it cuts short when Noella turn away. The confusion spreading. What just happened? I place my hand on my lip in confusion. I was pretty sure that she felt the same way. Oh well. 


I decide to give my emotions a chance. He seemed to feel the same, and why would not our relationship work if we both feel the same way. I mean except that we lived in to different times.

I go back to the boat where Aeolus sits and sighs.

"Why are you sighing? Plato was not mad because you lost a part of his text, "I say, and take him on the shoulder.

"I lost your part of the text. For me that was the most important thing, "says Aeolus.

I turn on him and gives him a hug.

" For me, just those words are everything i need to hear. You do not need write down what  someone says to remember it. It will always be in youre heart, "I say comforting.

"This is why I love you, "says Aeolus and hugs me back. I kiss him and amulet glows. I recognize it and throw it off. It lands on a rock and turns off. I then continues to kiss Aeolus passionately.

I take up the amulet and think if there was any possibility to bring Aeolus to my present. I decide that I should take a chance and hope that I succeed.

"I'll be honest with you. I'm from the future. I wonder if you trust me and if youre willing to accompany me to the future, "I throw out of me. Aeolus looks confused but nods.

"Take the hand that I hold the amulet in," I say, and stretches out his hand.

Aeolus takes my hand and I kissed him. I know how the amulet starts to vibrate. I grab his second hand to assure me that he accompanies. The pink mist changed to blue. It begins to blow and once again I hear a shot and sword clashing together.

In the end, the fog disappears and we are on the island me and grandmother would be on. I hear grandma comes running skreaming at me in greek.

"There you are. Who is this man? What are you wearing? We take the next boat back to the hotel." Says grandma eagerly.

"Calm down. This is Aeolus. I met him during my adventure, "I say, and take Aeolus hand. I give Grandma Ruby from my back pocket.

"Come on. We should on the boat, "I say to Aeolus and we climb on the ferry. Aeolus stops and looks at the boat shaking his head at the sight of it. I take his hand once again and we board the boat. Together we travel to new adventures.

Authers notes: In the real story that i wrote in my essay this would be the end. But on wattpad we have maybe have around 2 more chapters before book one ends. I was wondering if you wanted an Alternativ ending. Please write in the comments. Youre comments mean alot to my writing. So please comment your thoughts. It really helps me with the writing process. //Cutebergquist

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