Chapter 3 Touring Athen

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When she wakes up, we go to the hotel and leave our luggage.

"Put on the amulet and lets go," said grandma with a tricky grin.

I put on the amulet and we went to look for a restaurant. Grandmother running all the time in front of me.


"I'd rather eat Mediterranean food. Does that sound good for you Grandma? "I told her while we were discussing were to eat with Grandma.

"Why not? But I want to order, "granma says suddenly.

"Yeah It's maybe for the best," I replie nodding in agreement.

Me and Grandma into the restaurant and sit down at a table for two. Just then a man walks up to us and start talking Greek. Grandmother responds politely.

"What do you want," Grandma asks me and starts to look att the menu.

"I think I'll take a Greek salad. What do you what? "I aske her.

Grandma does not answer but instead starts order in Greek. I think she ordered a garlic bread for me. She orders wine for us both and then looks back to me.

"I'm sorry Noella that I have behaved so strange, I have hade a hard time getting used to being outside the psycoligical care" Grandma said and gave me an ashamed look.

"It does not matter. I'm sorry that I always call you crazy and wacky, "I replied and patted Grandma on the shoulder.

"Let's not get hanged up on this and just hang out, we have not seen each other in ten years, " Grandma said as she started drawing on a napkin. I joined her and I the end we started to compete each other on who made the best drawing.

After 5 minutes the waitress comes in with a bottle of wine and pour it into the glass. Shortly after the starter come in. Granma gives me the garlic bread and takes another plate from the waitress. I look at her plate and see fried squid rings. I eat the starter and then continue to draw on the napkin.

"Noella darling, don't you want to taste a little of the wine? I thought it was a little too rough," Grandma says and starts to play with a pen.

I tasted the wine to get grandma happy. It was bitter and didn't have a good taste. How can grandma taste the difference between all these drinks?

Finally after 15 minutes of waiting I got my salad and I eat all of of the salad in one big gulp. Grandma had ordered the lamb stew and was playing with som of her food.

"Grandma, I'll pay for the food today," I say firmly.

"Does that mean there will be no dessert," Ask Grandma and look at me disappointedly.

"You can take some dessert if you want. You know what I'll take some dessert too," I say to grandma and wave in the waitress. The waitress comes back and asks if we want to order dessert. Grandmother smiles while looking at the menu and ordering continuse by ordering two ice creams.

"The amulet looks good on you. But just be careful what you think of dum things or somthing may go wrong, " Granma says in a dreamy state.

The waitress comes in with the ice cream and ask if we want to pay now or after we've eaten the ice


"Now, thanks, "I reply in broken English. We get the bill and I put my card on the tray.

"It was kind of you to pay for the food," grandma says politellie

"It was nothing. You still paid for the whole trip, "I answer with a smile,

I open the door to the hotel. We go in and lock behind us. I know that it probably a bad idea to whatch tv so I open the book I bought at the airport and start to read. It's about a girl who travels in time and solve mysteries. It starts with her ​​going to the Middle Ages to find the Loch Ness monster.

"What are you reading Noella," grandma says.

"A book about a girl who travels in time. I did not think I had purchased the book, "I

explain ."It's my book. I bought it at the airport. Your book is on the table, "grandma says and walks into the bathroom.

These books could have been the reason for all her ideas. She must have only gone after the details of the books she had read and told me about it.

The next day we woke up at 5.00 am and start to plan our day. We are going to the ruins first to get a guided tour around the ruins. Then we will continue by taking a tourbus around the city.


We had been in Athens for two days now. Me and grandma was going to go to the port of Piraeus to then take a boat to one of the islands.

"Let's go down to breakfast. I'll take with me the key so that we do not get locked out, "grandma says.

"I'll probably take a morning swim in the hotel pool. It's only 5:30am, "I say yawning.

I put on my bathing suit and walk unsteadily down to the pool. I put my towel on a chair and continue down into the water. I begin to swim around in the pool. I swim around for an hour and then go up. I put on the towel and go up to our room. Inside the room sits grandmother, laughing. She watches the TV with big eyes. She seems to have found her favorite program on TV.

"We go after I have changed," I say to grandma seriously.

"Okay, run along," grandma says and turns off the TV. I throw myself into the bedroom and change into a croptop and jeans. I then go down to breakfast with grandma.

We eat our self full and I run up to retrieve my bag. I go in and take the bag, then throw on the amulet.

After three days, I have got used to the amulet and now puts on me everyday as a habit.

I run down to grandma who is waiting outside the turquoise entrance.

"Finally . Do you know how hard it was to wait for you? "grandma says with a irritated tone.

"Sorry, I just needed to find my bag. Now what was the pla .... "I do not have time finished untill my phonerings.

"Hello, it's Noella,

""Hey Noella, it's dad. I wondered just how it is in Greece. Is everything fine?

""Well it's great here. Me and grandma planed to go to a port and then go out on one of the islands, "I told to my father.

"You take good care of grandma. The hospital called and said the grandmother needed to get back to the hospital to finish her treatment. Mom comes over to you tomorrow to take grandma to the hospital, "says father on the phone.

''Okay, then I know goodbye," I said to my father, and hung up.

"Well, where was I? Right. What are your plans today, Grandma, "I said to the grandmother with tears in my throat.

"I thought that when we arrived we could rent a bike and cycle around the island. What do you think about it Noella, "said the grandmother happily

"That sounds good, "I answer sobbing.

Writers note: so this chapter was a bit longer. I posted this capter a bit early because i would not have time tomorow. In the next chapter the fun adventure begins so get excited. Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget that you could help to change the storie.

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