IALT chapter two // room attack

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I woke up in my bunk. I remember I was sitting last night beside Niall. And he was singing. 

I seem him on the corner of the room, sleeping on his knees and his guitar next to him. He tucked me in bed last night.

"Good morning, beautiful." It was Jesy. Jesy snaps me out of my thoughts. Why am I always on my thoughts? Tsk.

"Good morning, Jes." I smile. She smiles back then leaves the room. I love how nice and caring everyone are. Especially towards me.

I left my bunk peacefully and without any noise. I don't want to wake Niall.

I hop out of the bus. "Scar?"

I turn to see who it was. And it was Perrie.

"Where are you going?" I can see she just woke up. Her make up was a bit messed up, her hair hasn't been combed.

"I'm buying food. Do you want something?" She shakes her head and goes in.

It was their book signing today. Tulisa and Simon are not able to come, so instead they've got Yvonne to cover up as a manager. But we all knew fans are detectives like and they'll know everything. I really mean EVERYTHING. Even in the means of privacy.

They line up already for their book signing and I'm staying inside the back room. For protection and such.

"Will you be okay in here?" Jade asks me with her reassuring smile. "Yep."

Jade left the room lock. I have the keys but it was for protection. They don't want anyone barging in, in any second. Even if there are enough securities outside. Fans are wise enough.

I was enjoying myself looking at their debut pictures. It says, 'Fetus One Direction' and 'Fetus Little Mix'. But it doesn't really mean a baby but them so young or shall I say, first, young pictures of them being together.

On the other side, I enjoy watching their pictures with fans. Though some fans think this is not true—their idols don't save pictures or anything. No, it is true. Some are kids with cancer, some are at the orphanage. This is why I really love them.

I was busy watching their pictures when somebody was unlocking the door. Perhaps it is them.

"Um, I have keys here. Will I unlock it for you?" Without hesitation, the door opens and a guy bursts in.

He grabs me from shoulder to shoulder and pins me to the wall.

"What are you doing? Who are you? Get off me!" I yell. After that, were followed by my ear-splitting screams.

He was trying to kiss me on my neck, so he pins me harder that I can't really move. It even hurts.

Then a little later, someone barges in. It was Jade.

"Jade!" I scream. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I'm really getting scared now.

"Security!" She screams then an army of security got in and got him. They couldn't arrest him yet because that incident only happened once.

"I'm so sorry for this inconvenience. I promised I'll be alert. And that guy goes back to the mental institute," he says. Jade comes running to call the others. I was still there. Frozen in my place and still shocked.

"I'm sorry. We learned he had a mental illness. And that he was a pedophile."  By the last word, I was extremely shocked. Why is he telling me this? I close my eyes.

I hear footsteps running toward me. I open my eyes to see Jesy, and she hugs me. "Sorry for leaving you here. Were you hurt?"

I still couldn't answer. Probably of the shock that has gotten me.

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