IALT chapter seven // the confession

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Scarlet's Point Of View

It's been two days since the Jade-and-Harry thing happened. No one has been talking about it, it was awkward for them.

They have decided to play a game. That game was truth or dare. Harry loved this game ever since.

We all sit on the floor. We cross our legs and form a circle.

"Ask me! Ask me!" Harry says volunteering.

"Okay Harry. Truth or dare?" Perrie asks him. Since Perrie is the queen of pranks and stuff.

"I'll settle for truth."

"What was your feeling having Jade to take your manhood?" Perrie asks. Harry was blushing. They were bringing that topic again. The Jade-and-Harry thing..

"Okay. Since this is truth. I will answer this honestly. The feeling was amazing." Everyone wants to laugh, but they don't want Harry mad again so they hide their laughter instead.

"Okay. Who'd be next?"

I slowly raise my hand. "Me."

It was Jesy who'll be asking me. "Did you have any crushes with these boys before?"

Oh my gosh. The most intimate question that I think I couldn't even answer. I'm so not ready to tell them. Never did they knew I already had fallen for them. It is just that, I'm not the one.

They were all staring at me, waiting for my response.

"Let's not rush, Scar. She's a little shy." Thanks for saving me, Liam. You know how much that means to me. Speaking in front of them all eight about it, it would be hard for me.

"Okay." I sigh. This is just a silly game, but I think it could kill me already. Chilliness got me. Don't sweat, Scar. Don't sweat.

And a bead of sweat comes running down my forehead. Gosh. I did. I'm sweating over a damn stupid game. "Is it hot? You're sweating already."

"No Niall. I'm fine." He insists to have the air conditioner's thermostat be cooler. "No, you're sweating."

"No! I said no!" Everyone freeze. Even Niall from walking to the air conditioner.

*face palm*

What did I just say?

What have I done?

"I-I am sorry, Niall." He sits beside Perrie. A bit down. Gosh, what have I done?

"Okay. I'm going to be honest. I'm going to tell you everything of what I have felt since the day I met you all and the day you took me in." They were all ears to me. They were eager to listen. Now I'm doing a little confession that I should have done before. Wait, did I just say little?

"Sorry for shouting earlier, Niall. I was just.. I was afraid."

"Afraid of what, Scar?"

"Afraid to let you all find out, and afraid to tell you. Well, that was almost the same. And yeah, it is. Okay, now what am I even talking about?" I was talking fast and everyone looks at me like I was weird or something.

"The truth is.."

I can hear my heart pounds so loud.

"I have fallen for you boys. But I now know you all treat me as your sister. And I am very happy of that. Even at the very least, you love me. As a sibling." Gawd. Can I kill myself now? I am so not showing myself. I feel so embarrassed. They wouldn't even think I already love them. This feeling. I got mixed emotions right now.

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