Chapter 12

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Impala's have a very distinctive sound. I guess it helps that I've spent so much time in one recently, but it's a sound I'd likely not forget in a while. A sound that is inevitably growing nearer, at some pace now. Took them long enough.

I think the relief allowed me to honestly look at my surroundings, and, ignoring the blood puddle on the floor around me, this place is rather nice for someone with such an evil nature. I'm thinking the work of an interior designer as oppose to Crowley's artistic eye.

The distractions can only last so long. Eventually the searing pain catches up to me and I lose my thoughts in the strangled whimper at the back of my throat. I will not allow the pain to overtake me but it is sure as hell coming close.

I'm not entirely sure what happens next - it seems like a flash - but due to the blood loss, my vision was beginning to blur around the edges, giving the world a slightly fuzzy haze. I can hear voices, familiar voices, and the comfort it brings almost numbs the pain from my still throbbing hand. Did I mention how much I dislike supernatural beings? I feel like I should put it out there again. I can feel the ties on my wrists become loose and I'm able to suddenly move my ankles.

I can't tell you how I got out, but it had something to do with my brothers as I awake 3 days later surrounded by a clean smell and bright white walls. A hospital. I look down at the wires and tubes connected to my wrist, most likely feeding me morphine, and sigh.

"She's back in the land of the living." A voice chuckles, I look over to see a tired looking Dean, sunken into a hospital chair. "I had a talk with Sam. You're going to stay with Bobby for a while to recover, get you out of the drama for a while."

"Who's Bobby?" I ask, voice crackling with every syllable.

"An old friend." Dean tells me. "We need to help Sam out of his predicament and then you'll be staying with Bobby for a while after."

You see when Dean said help Sam, I assumed sit him down and talk. Three days later, Dean has made a wager with Death and Sam is locked in Bobby's panic room, screaming as Death returns his soul. That is a sentence I never thought I'd have to say. I spoke with Dean. He told me how he had to choose between Sam and Adam. Naturally, he chose Sam but it makes me wonder how long I can survive with my brothers when they'll always, rightfully, put each other first.

At the yard, I seem to get lost in myself, looking at different broken cars, constantly pestering Dean and asking him whether any can be fixed up and made new again. He answers mostly that I don't need a car with the impala running but let's face it, that's Dean's baby. He barely let's Sam drive her.

With Sam back to almost-normal, they begin to plan their next hunt.

"I'm going to give this one a miss, stay with Bobby a while longer." I tell Sam as he packs a few outfits.

"Ok, if that's what you want. We'll be back as soon as this is done." Sam says, smiling sadly.

It isn't long before I'm waving to the back of the impala, Bobby next to me.

"Why did you really stay?" Bobby asks, turning to face me.

"I need a ride, this is the perfect place to make that happen." I grin.

"We better get started then."

I'm back again, with my slow, short updates. I hope you won't hate me too much. I'm skipping quite large chunks at the moment but I'm getting back into the swing of writing (literally four weeks before my exams, what an idjit). Thank you all for being so patient with me!

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