Chapter Two.

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"I vote werewolf." I sigh after hearing their opinions.

"Well, it's gotta be, it's either a werewolf or a shifter. It's not a full moon though. So werewolf is out of the question." Sammy tells me grimacing.

"Okay, run me through the lore for a skinwalker again, real quick." I ask, turning to face Dean.

"They're pretty much the cousins of werwolves, they can change at any time, disguise themselves as a household pet, killed with silver, infect in a single bite and they eat the hearts from their victims." Dean says, pouring himself a drink.

"So it's a skinwalker. There's no doubt about it." I say confidently.

"But it could be a shifter, we've seen a shifter that played characters from horror films. we though that was a werewolf." Sammy tells me, grimacing at the thought.

"Okay, I vote skinwalker, possibly a pure blood werewolf? They're the most likely, right?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah sure, lets go gank this son of a bitch." Dean says, downing his drink and tossing me a gun and small, easily concealed knife.

"Thanks bro." I grimace, wondering what else they've killed using this knife and immediatly regretting it straight after. The silver's murky where blood has been smeared and carelessly wiped from the blade and i slide it into my boot out of my way. 

"Don't get close enough to use it." Sammy tells me quickly.

"What do you think I am? Stupid?" I sigh. They have so much faith in me.

I run to my room and stuff a couple of bags with clothes and other essential items. I grab a photo of me and Mom before grabbing some of her perfume and favourite jewellery.

"Okay, I'm ready." I say, taking a last breath in the house that Mom and i have bought and lived in. We walk out back and Mom's body is gone, a bloody mess left on the grass.

"I need to lock up and tell Mrs G that I'm going to be gone a while." I say, grabbing my keys and fighting back the tears. Sam and Dean shrug and make their way back to the Impala with my bag. 

I twist the key in the door and rest my hand softly onto the brick wall. I then walk nextdoor to Mrs G's house to inform her that I'm going away for a while and to keep an eye on the house for me. She happily complies and tells me to have fun as i wave and head for the impala.

"We're going to give your Mom a hunters burial. It's the safest option." Sammy tells me.

"What does a hunters burial include?" I ask, gripping hold of the picture I grabbed from her drawers. 

"We're going to burn her body, so there's no nasty surprises." Dean says, eyes facing forward and concentrating on the road.

"Brilliant. Not only do I get to see my Mothers dead body, I get to see it being burned."

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