Chapter Nine.

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"Dean! Help!" I call, holding the baby at arms length.

"Belle, it's crying, give it food or change it's diaper." Dean tells me from the front of the car.

"Shut that thing up Annie." Sam growls at me.

"I swear to God you have problems Sam, get off my back." I growl back. Ever since Sam came back, he's been in a bad mood and it's not like him. Dean's worried, I'm pissed off, emotions are running high and I feel like even a small spark will ignite a fire.

"We're almost at the motel Belle. Keep it quiet for a little bit longer." Dean sighs, accelerating slightly more.

"You better hurry, I think it needs it's diaper changing and I'm not going to be the one to change it." I grumble.

"You're a girl, thats your job." Dean tells me and I launch myself at him.

"You sexist pig Dean Winchester." I say and hit him upside the head.

"Belle, stop, it was a joke." He says, attempting to reason with me as Sammy sits in the passenger seat chuckling.

"You can shut up too, Sam." I say, glaring from the screaming child, to Sam, then Dean and back again.

The rest of the car journey is coated in an uncomfortable silence brought on by my sudden outburst and refusal to make contact with either of my brothers. The end result being the impala screaming to a halt outside a motel and doors being slammed as Dean and Sam leave me with the screaming, smelly child. I manage to haul it out of the car and hold it at arms length as it squirms and wriggles in an attempt to escape my grip.

I open the door to the motel room, thrust the squealing child at Dean and storm out. I refuse to be in a room with so much tension and testosterone. I walk out to the parking lot and try to think back to the journey and to where a small shop is, somewhere to walk to and get away from the arguments for a bit.

For a moment, everything turns cold and I feel as if I'm underwater, drowning, my lungs constricting uncontrollably. The light fades away and the slow realisation that everything is turning black hits me like a truck.

I wake up on a bed with Sam and Dean standing over me.

"How're you doing kid?" Dean asks as my eyes flicker back to focus and the light begins to burn my eyes.

"What the hell happened?" I ask in a daze.

"We'd like to know the same thing." Sam says, crossing his arms and leaning over me.


Bit of a short chapter but it's Christmas (even though it was yesterday) and I haven't updated in a long time. I wanted to say thank you for all the support I've been getting on this story! You guys are fabulous!

Love Beth x

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