Chapter Ten.

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Sam and Dean interrogated me for a relatively long time after the incident although I couldn't give them any straight answers except the possibility of exhaustion. They seemed to accept it after a while and allowed me to sleep.

I wake up and it's dark. Pitch black. I can hear deep, sleep-filled breathing from the beds next to me and I sigh. Then the tears hit me at almost the same time as reality.

I can't do anything right, my mom couldn't even stay around. I let the thing go free, I blacked out. Do I even deserve to have brothers or family? I couldn't even shut Bobby John up when he was crying.

The door is my closest exit and I half run into the clear, starry night as the tears cascade down my cheeks.

"Belle? We're going back to Lisa and Ben tomorrow, I can't have them in danger like this anymore." Dean tells me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"You don't understand Dean, I can't do anything right, I couldn't keep my Mom safe, I don't deserve to have you and Sammy." I sob and Dean pulls me tighter.

"It wasn't your fault, I couldn't save my mom or our dad. In fact, dad gave his life in order to save mine. So don't you dare go thinking that." Dean tells me, before walking back inside. I wipe my eyes dry and pull my shoulders back before grabbing the sketchbook i haven't touched since mom died out of my bag.

I sketch until the light of the sun appears over the horizon and coats the trees with beautiful, golden blemishes and Dean and Sam awake from their sleep.

Now, if you've ever had brothers (which, before now, I hadn't) you'd know that they're constantly hungry, as a girl with no former brother experience -or experience in the male kind- I had no clue how grumpy they get when they wake up, especially before breakfast. Truth be told, I'm not usually morning person but the day gets better as it goes on, right?

"Belle? C'mon, we're going to Lisa and Ben." Dean tells me, as I gather my few belongings into a bag, how wonderful to move around so quickly. Exploring the country and listening to kick ass music.

The drive to Lisa's wasn't too long but Sam and Dean were acting kind of strangely the whole way, nothing new, I assumed. We pulled up and i was told to grab my bag out of the trunk. So, I did. As soon as the trunk snapped shut, Sam and Dean were tail lights in the distance. Gone. Left me. Like every other freaking person in my life. The same as all the others. I couldn't cry, no tears graced my face but a few tiny droplets of rain above my head swelled and dropped themselves to the ground.

Take it in your stride Annabelle.

Lisa was shocked to see me. That's putting it lightly. I think she realised half way through my story that Dean had never been the parental type. I guess that's ok. I just wish they would've told me first instead of leaving me in the blue with no one, no hope.

School started back quickly. 'Normal' was the way Lisa wanted to play it, keeping everything above board, treating me as a daughter. She felt sorry for me, who wouldn't? That poor girl, no parents, brothers left her. Where else would i have gone? Just a normal 17 year old girl. One that hadn't seen angels or shapeshifters or supernatural beings that would haunt anyone else. That's right. Normal. A normal teenage girl. What I wouldn't give for that.

Even with a new family and new start, I can't just forget my Mother, my Father, my brothers. The things I've seen. The majority of my problems started in calculus.

"Annabelle Winchester." Mr Ryans called, probably for the third time in the first period. Sleep had drifted over me and, with face buried into my textbook, I was asleep. Again. Kept back after the lesson, a phone call to Lisa. Sleep deprivation. That's what the doctors said it was. So, maybe 3 hours sleep a night isn't the correct amount, but there's not a lot else that can be done if you can't sleep, right? Wrong. Sleeping pills for short term treatment or bouts of insomnia. For most people, taking a couple of sleeping pills and waking up refreshed in the morning shouldn't be too difficult. For me, taking a few sleeping pills meant waking up the next morning in a bed that isn't my own to a dark haired with a British accent standing over me. 

"A Winchester. Don't you worry, I've let Dean and Moose know you're here, they've just got to find you." The man said.

"This isn't my bed." I state.

"That's correct, you were an easy one, didn't even stir when my demons took you and brought you here. I'm Crowley, King of Hell." He tells me, taking a seat slightly further back.

"Well, Crowley, as nice as it was of you to contact Dean and Moose -who i'm assuming is Sammy- they won't care. They left me." I tell Crowley.

"I hope they do care, love" He says, producing a sleek, silver blade, "For your sake."


Woah, oh god, I am so sorry. It has been so long and this chapter seems bad, I'm sure, but all of my plans went up in smoke with my old laptop (it broke). Pleaseee forgive me the for the uber long (9ish month) wait and i will hopefully hopefully hopefully update sooner next time!! 

I was supposed to be doing my psychology work but instead, it's 12:04am and I have barely done any of it so that i could give you guys the chapter you've been waiting for!!

love Beth xx

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