Chapter Three

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A/N - Just to clear this up, in case you were wondering, this is set just after season 5 episode 22, so um yeah, have fun and be warned of spoilers!!

"Do you want to say a few words? Before we, umm, you know..." Sammy says.

"Not really, she was my mom, I wish that she wasn't gone but there's not a lot we can do." I say glancing at the pile if wood heaped neatly with her body wrapped on top.

"You're surprisingly calm. I don't like it. it makes me nervous." Dean says, eyes narrowing at me.

"I'm calm now, in a few hours i'll be sobbing into a pillow." I reply with a small shrug.

"You seem like you've been through this before?" Sammy says.

"When my-our dad didn't come back, when he didn't answer my calls, I went through it all then." I sigh.

A silence falls upon us and Dean lights a match before throwing it on to the bonfire type structure. There I watch as my mothers body is lapped up by the flames. Engulfing her limb by limb until the incineration is complete. Footsteps behind us make me spin away from my mothers burning flesh and I come face to face with a man draped in a beige tench coat. He has a sullen look on his face and seems to be uncomfortable in his skin.

"What've you got Cas?" Dean asks.

"I believe it to be a skinwalker. During the day, heart gone." The guy in a trench coat says.

"No offence and all, but who or what the hell are you?" I ask, standing up abruptly.

"Castiel, I'm an angel." he says quietly.

"Brilliant, a freaking angel to contend with." I sigh, shaking my head. "Got any devils up your sleeve? Maybe a ghost or two?"

"Well act-" Dean starts before Sam elbows him sharply in the ribs.

"We'll disuss this later, Cas and Dean, you guys head out, I'm going to explain a few things to Annie back at the motel." Sam says, gently nudging me away from the sight of my Mother, my best friend, turning to ash in the burning flames. Come on Annabelle. You need to get yourself together. Just breathe.

"Well come on then Sammy. Lego." I say, heading towards the Impala that was sitting idly with the key in the ignition.

"You're slightly enthusiastic aren't you?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"I just want to know what the hell is going on in this crazy god damn world." I sigh.

"Annie, it's exactly the same as it was yesterday but now you've got the added stress of the supernatural." Sam sighs, running a hand through his long hair.

"Just answer me one thing?" I ask, trying to supress a grin at the seriousness on his face.

"Of course." He replies.

"Can I give you a hair cut?" I ask, trying not to let out a laugh.

"You're way to much like Dean." He sighs, shaking his head. I see a small smile creep onto his face as he parks the car outside a motel. Sam locks up the car as we head towards the room him and Dean are staying in.

"Alright, explain all of this to me because I am unbelievably confused." I sigh.

"Okay." He starts and I nod intently as he explains everything from Azazel and his Mum to the most recent hunt for Death and his ring which ended in Chicago.

"Wow, it's been a pretty busy life for you guys, huh?" I reply, astounded at the amount of times they've moved around like a constant road trip.

"As I said, after Mom died, everything went downhill and Dad was living to kill the bitch who killed our Mom. You're lucky, you had a childhood."

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