Chapter Five

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I've fainted a fair few times in my life, but this is definitely the longest I've been out. Twelve and half hours. It's my new record. I can hear Sam and Dean talking in hushed whispers.

"Is she gonna wake up yet? It's been twelve hours." Dean asks Sammy who shrugs his shoulder.

"I don't know Dean, she's lost her mom and we've introduced her to a whole work she never knew existed. She's probably overwhelmed and scared." Sam says, skipping across multiple radio stations before Dean swats his hand away.

"Driver chooses music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." Dean tells Sam, grinning and inserting an AC/DC tape before pressing play.

I decide to make it known that I'm back to the world of living and words form in my mouth.

"I'm hungry, can we stop?" I ask, grinning at their expressions and attempting to hold back my laughter.

"Well, at least you want to eat." Dean mumbles and I shake my head at him softly laughing as he pulls into a gas station.

"Pie?" I say, looking pleadingly at Sammy and Dean.

"Have something healthy." Sam says, shaking his head.

"Sammy, do not deny the kid pie." Dean snaps quickly.

"Okay, she's definitely your sister." Sammy sighs, picking out some organic crap to eat as Dean and I pick up pie and all the other processed goodness we can carry. How dare he try to give organic trash.

"Okay kiddo, that's about as much as I can carry." Dean says, trudging over to the check out. Dean proceeds to pay and I skip happily to the car.

I take bites out of the pie and growl at Dean when he tries to take a bite from it. It reminds me of when my grandmother would make pie especially for me when I visited and of the pies left in her freezer when she died which I ate slowly in order to savour the taste that shaped my childhood.

"Okay Dean, I take it back. She's worse than you with her pie habits." Sam says laughing heartily at Dean's angry face from not having pie.

"It reminds me of my grandmother. She used to make me pies when I was a kid and it's a good memory. There's no way in hell that I'm sharing this god damn pie." I tell Sam and Dean. Sam shrugs his shoulders and Dean sulks before putting the car into hear and driving away, me still happily munching on the pie.

A/N awh you guys make me happy when I see you voting and I almost cried at my grandparents house today because I saw people had voted and yeah, my grandma actually makes me pie when I go to their house because he loves me and I love her and her cooking. Take that cousins! I get pie you don't! Work experience is this week so hopefully I'll have time to upload!

Love Beth

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