Meeting the Author

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My name's Mik (that's my name but reversed), and I shall be appearing here in the story! Because why not? Anyways, requests are highly appreciated and being done by me! So type in the comment section what you want, and I'll make it! (This sounds like a commercial on tv lol)


"Hehehe..." I opened the Wattpad app and saw that my book, Chiba x (Y/N), has 800+ views. Yosh. That's enough.

"Hehehe, my ass." Chiba revealed himself by pushing away the branches of the bush which in were I was hiding in.

"Konnichiwa!~" I popped up and smiled.

"Who are you...?" You asked. I dusted my clothes off and grinned.

"Ahem... I'm the official president and founder of the Chiba x (Y/N) Fanclub, and official photographer, news reporter, and stalker! Check out the fanfic I made. It's seaweedbeansprout." I said.

"Ehhhhh?! That exists?!" You said, jumping a little bit.

"Hai! And we've got a lot of people joining." I smiled.

"Tsk." Chiba looked at me.

"Oi, oi. Chiba, hidoi." Maehara ruffled my hair (I'm more of a Maehara girl than a Chiba one, but don't worry! Chiba's mah second bae), and grinned.

"Maehara? How come you are dating this girl?"


"Anyways, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.


"Holy macaroni, it's already trending!"


"Trending on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, and holy schist! On Wattpad too!" I said.

"Mik-chan, let's go to the candy store, and I'll get you some Mars."

"Yosh! But wait." I took a pic of the both of you and left.

I'm so happy to see them upclose TuT.


Chiba x Reader [EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora