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iiMeroChihiroX 's request! Hope you enjoy!


Your P.O.V

It was an accident.

An accident we could've avoided if we didn't have a fight. 

If it wasn't for my stupid jealousy.

I wouldn't have been mute.


"What do you mean hang out with Hayami?"  You asked, as you both stopped at a crossroad.

"She's asking. She's only my friend." You sighed and stopped licking your popsicle.

"Just go." You said.


"I meant to get away from me. We're over."


"Because I've been feeling that you're ignoring me just for Hayami!"

"Whatever." He said and started crossing the road. A truck came at a high speed, and Chiba stopped in his tracks. You ran to him and pushed him out of the way, and got hit.

You only heard... The sound of your voice.


You woke up in a bed, and damn. Your body was really sore and tired. You tried speaking but there was no sound coming out.

'Am I mute?' You asked in your mind. You looked to your left and saw gifts, even a Koro-sensei plush doll. You grabbed it and hugged it gently.

"You're awake." Chiba entered the room with your most favorite food. You nodded.

"You're mute, (Y/N)-chan. Your voice box got damaged since your neck was hit, but good thing you're still alive." He gave you a small whiteboard and a marker. You nodded and reached out your arms. Chiba hugged you.

"I miss your voice." You silently cried in Chiba's arms, feeling really comfortable.


There we go!

Next up:

Chiba x Dark Reader

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