Chapter 3: It's What Willow Wants

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Katniss POV

Peeta, Willow and I are sitting on the couch after a long day of work. We are watching a movie that Willow would like. Peeta and I aren't really paying close attention but we just needed to get Willow settled down. She turns around and looks at me.

" Mommy, I'm hungry," she tells me and I look at the clock. It is 6:45 pm and it's about that time that we usually eat dinner.

" Okay," I tell her. " We will get something to eat. Do you want a small snack right now," I ask her and she nods. I get up and decide to make some popcorn for us to share. I don't really feel like cooking dinner since I am so tired. I take the bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave to pop.

Peeta comes in the kitchen and I feel his arms slide around my waist. " Are you hungry too," I ask him giggling and he laughs.

" Yeah," he says chuckling. I frown a little.

" I'm kinda tired. I don't feel like cooking," I tell him.

" Do you wanna order pizza or something," he asks me and I shake my head.

" I just had pizza for lunch at work today and Willow had pizza for lunch at her daycare," I tell him. I see him thinking.

" Well do you want to go to a restaurant," he asks me. I look over at Willow who is so focused on the television screen.

" We could," I say. " Do you think Willow will act okay?"

" Yeah, she should be fine. She is a good kid," he says to me and I nod.

" Yeah. I guess we can. In a few minutes though," I tell him and he looks confused.

" Why not now," he ask. I laugh a little.

" I just made this big bag of popcorn and someone has to eat it," I tell him holding up the popcorn bag.

" Alright," he says chuckling. I put the popcorn in a bowl and put in on the ottoman table between the couches. Willow digs right into the popcorn.

" You were hungry, huh," I say smoothing down her soft hair.

Soon we get up and begin to put on our shoes. " Where are we going?," Willow asks.

" Somewhere to get something to eat," I tell her. When we get in the car we decide to go to a restaurant called Macaroni Grill.
It serves pastas and many other different things.

When we get there we are seated pretty quickly and given menus. Willow is given the kids menu that comes with crayons for her to draw.

The waitress comes over. " Hi. I am going to be helping you today," she says. I can tell that she is pregnant. " Can I get you anything to drink," she asks.

  " Uhh yeah. Can I have red wine," I say to her. Peeta orders a drink then I look at Willow. I realize that she is staring at the waitress' stomach. " She wants apple juice," I tell the waitress.

  " Okay. Your drinks will be right out," she says to us and we nod.

  " Mommy, why is her tummy big," Willow asks me.

  " Because she has a baby in there," I tell her and she looks confused.

  " She ate a baby," Willow says looking freaked out.

  " No, no, no," I tell her laughing.

  " How did it get in her tummy," she asks and I look at Peeta.

  " Uh well don't worry about that. But the baby will come and be a new person," I tell her trying to avoid the details.

  " Oh," she says.

" You were in your mommy's tummy," Peeta says and she looks confused.

  " I was?," she asks.

  " Yeah," Peeta replies. " And then you came and now you are a cute little girl," he continued.

  She doesn't respond. She just smiles and goes back to coloring. Soon later we order our food and get it. While Willow is eating she looks up at me.

  " Mommy," she calls my name.

  " Yeah," I answer.

  " I want you to have a baby in your tummy," she tells me and I look at Peeta.

" You do?," I ask her still looking at Peeta and she nods.

" Well that means you would have a baby brother or sister. And that would make you a big sister," Peeta tells her. She nods and goes back to her food.

  Later when we are at home I am getting ready for bed. I can't stop thinking about what Willow said. About how she wanted me to be pregnant. When she said that it made me think about if we did have another baby.

  I go to Peeta and I's bedroom and lay down next to him. He is half asleep but I am wide awake.

  " Peeta," I call his name hoping he will wake up.

  " Yes," he says in a tired tone.

  " Can we talk," I ask him and he looks up at me. He then sits up.

  " Is everything okay," he asks me and I nod.

" Yeah. I just can't stop thinking about what Willow said at the restaurant. About having a baby," I tell him.

  " Is it bothering you?," he asks me. I shake my head.

  " No. I have just been thinking about it lately," I tell him.

  " Yeah? I have been thinking about it too,"he says. There is a quiet moment but then Peeta speaks. " Do you want to have another baby?," he asks me.

  " I don't know," I admit. It kinda makes me nervous even though I have done it before.

" Well I have been thinking that we should have another one. Pretty soon, too. Willow needs a sibling," he says. This puts pressure on me. I don't want to be the one the prevents us from having a baby.

  " I just have to think about it some more," I say sinking deeper into the sheets of the bed.

  " Okay, good night," he says and I say good night too.

  The next morning I wake up and go to the kitchen. It is Saturday so I begin making some breakfast. In the middle of cooking, I feel warm arms wrap around my waist.

  " Good morning," Peeta says.

  " Good morning," I reply and turn my head to give him a quick kiss.

  " Did you make up your mind yet," he asks me and I turn around to face him.

  " About having a baby?," I ask him and he nods. " No. Not yet. Im sorry," I say looking down.

  " It's alright. Take your time," he says and kisses me on the cheek.
I see Willow come downstairs slowly, rubbing her eyes.

  " Good morning, sweetheart," I say as she hugs my legs. I pick her up and give her a kiss. " Did you sleep okay," I ask her and she nods.

  " Do you want some breakfast?," I ask her pushing the loose hair out of her face. She nods and I put her in her chair. Peeta, Willow and I all eat breakfast together at the table.

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