Chapter 16: It's Been Years

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I sit on the couch and watch Willow play with her dolls. I smile at the sight of her so happy. Peeta had to go into the bakery because they needed some extra help, so I stayed back to watch Willow.

I look down at my large stomach and sigh. He should be coming in the next few weeks and I am pretty excited. Willow seems happy about it too but I am not completely sure if she really understand. I think she knows that there will be a new baby but I don't think she is aware that Peeta and I have to give the baby as much attention as he needs.

Peeta and I did sit Willow down and talk to her about it last night, but she just nodded and went back to playing.

I struggle when I try to stand up but I eventually get to my feet. I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge where I see a few cupcakes that Peeta brought home last night.

I look back at Willow to see if she is watching me because I know if she saw me eating one, she would want one too. And it's only 11:00 am. I take a bite then turn around to get a glass of water. But when I turn around, Willow is standing right in front of me.

" Can I have one?!" she asks excitedly. It's hard to say no when I see her enthusiastic face. I smile and reach into the fridge.

" Alright," I say and hand her a vanilla cupcake with chocolate icing. She gladly takes it and takes a huge bite.

" Come on. Let's go sit on the couch," I say to her. She nods with a smile and follows me. We sit down and watch some type of cartoon for a while.

" When's daddy coming home?" she asks.

" He should be coming back soon," I tell her with a chuckle. She doesn't respond and goes back to eating her cupcake.

Almost at that exact moment, I get a text from Peeta. It says " I will be home in fifteen minutes." I smile and reply back to him. " Okay," I reply.

Soon later I hear the doorbell ring. When I am about to stand up, I realize that Willow has fallen asleep on my lap. I carefully move her to the end of the couch where she continues to sleep.

I walk to the door as I hear the doorbell ringing multiple times. " I'm coming!" I shout to let the person know that I am on my way.

I look through the small peephole on the door just to be sure who it is but I don't see anything through it. I just see black.

Is this person covering the peephole? Who would do that?

" Who is it?" I ask through the door but I am just answered by the sound of the doorbell ringing again.

I turn the knob and open the door. I am shocked to see the person that is standing there staring at me. It almost takes my breath away when I see him.

" Gale. What are you doing?" I ask him.

" Coming to give you a visit," he replies. I try to close the door quickly but he moves his foot between the door and the doorframe.

" Gale stop. Don't do this again, please. It's been years," I say tiredly and annoyed.

  " Yeah. I'm sure you have been enjoying these past few years. You want to know what I've been doing. I have been in jail. You know that's where I was taken after you called the police at on me at your job," he tells me. I didn't know that they took him to jail. I just knew he wasn't bothering me, and I was totally fine with that.

" Gale, you can't get mad at me for that," I tell him. " You did that to yourself. If you left, it would have happened," I explain. His eyes move down to my stomach which is pretty large.

" Wow. The last time I saw you, you were pregnant," he says.

" Yeah, I was. With my daughter. You need to leave, Gale. Before there is a problem," I reply.

" Can I see her?" he asks.

" My daughter?" I question him. " No!"

" Oh come on. What, are you afraid I'm gonna do something to her?" he asks me.

" I don't know but you need to leave!" I begin to raise my voice. Gale's expression instantly turns angry. He pushes me through my own door and shuts it behind him. I don't know what to do. He is now in my house.

" Alright Gale. What do you want?" I ask.

" I want you to come with me and leave that bread boy," he tells me.

" I'm not leaving my husband," I say firmly. I see his eyes move from my face to behind me.

" Mommy, who's that?" I hear Willow ask. I thought she was asleep. And now she is awake, which is exactly what I didn't want.

" Willow, go to your room, okay," I tell her.

" No, stay here," Gale replies. I look at him with an surprise but angry expression, then turn around to look at Willow.

" Go to your room, Willow," I tell her again. This time she does begin to walk towards the stairs which goes to her room.

Gale's face turns cold and he quickly walks past me in Willow's direction.

" Stop!" I yell and pull on the collar of his shirt. He instantly tries to slap my hand off with the back of his hand but it only slaps my face. Hard.

I move away from him but he begins to walk in Willow's direction again.

" Gale leave her alone!" I yell at him referring to Willow. He continues to walk towards her but Willow turns around with a fearful expression on her face.

I tug on his collar again and this time he turns around and pushes me hard against a wall. He holds me there until Willow runs over to me crying.

" Mommy!" she yells with tears in her eyes.

She hugs my legs as sobs escape her mouth. I use my free arm to hold her close to me.

" Gale, please. Just-" I am cut off by the sound of the door opening. I look to my left and I see Peeta walk through the door. Instant anger is shown on his face and he charges at Gale and pushes him off of me.

Gale falls to the floor and Peeta is above him. " Why the hell are you in my house?!" he yells in Gale's face. Gale doesn't respond. He just pushes Peeta off and stands up. When Peeta stands up too, he pushes Gale to the wall and they begin to fight.

I pick Willow up to get her out if the room. We go to an office room in our house that Peeta uses for painting. I close the door quickly behind me and pick up the phone and call the police.

As I am on the phone, I hear glass shatter and loud bangs from outside of the door. They are still fighting. Willow continues to hug my leg. She won't let me go.

" Okay, the cops are on their way," the dispatcher says on the phone. When I hang up, I squat down to Willow's level and try to calm her down.

" It's okay, Willow. Just stay here. I will be right back. Don't go anywhere," I tell her. She nods and I give her a kiss on her forehead.

I stand up and walk out of the room. The next thing I see is Gale punch Peeta hard in the face before he collapses to the floor, unconscious.
Wow it's been a while since I've updated this story😭😂😬 I hope you enjoy!

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