Chapter 5: Am I Sure?

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Katniss POV

The next morning Peeta and I lay together in bed for a while. When we realize that we need to get Willow we get up. Peeta gets dressed and goes to get Willow from his brothers house.

  " I will be back," he says and gives me a kiss.

  " Okay," I reply as he walks out of the door.

  When Peeta leaves I go into the kitchen to do some cleaning. I think about last night and wonderful it was. Peeta is so sweet. I love him so much.

  I don't remember much after we got home last night. I just remember getting in the house and then Peeta and I kissed. Peeta and I also did have a lot to drink.

I also don't know how I finally agreed to have another baby. Prim recently had a baby boy almost a year and a half ago. He is beautiful. He has Andrew's brown hair and Prim's eyes. I think seeing a baby made me want another one.

Soon later, Peeta walks in with Willow.

" Mommy!," she exclaims as she runs over to me and gives me a hug.

" Hi sweetheart," I say as I give her a kiss in her head. " Did you have fun at Uncle Asher's house," I ask her and she nods.

" Yeah," she replies.

We spend some of the day just relaxing together. I realize that I need to go to the grocery store. " Willow you wanna come to the store with me?," I ask her and she nods excitedly. I laugh and watch her put her shoes on.

When she finishes putting them on I tie her laces for her. I then yell to Peeta that we are leaving.

" Peeta! We are going to the store really quick," I yell through our house.

" Okay, no problem!," he yells back. Willow and I leave the house and get into the car. When we get there I find a parking space and help Willow out.

" Mommy! I want that cart," she says pointing to the cart that is connected to a kids play car.

" Okay," I reply to her and she runs to get the cart. I wheel the cart in and we go into different aisles to pick up food that we need.

" Mommy, I want that cereal," she says pointing to the Lucky Charms cereal. I bend down to the lowest shelf to get the box of cereal that Willow wanted. I stand up pretty quick and get myself really dizzy. I have been really dizzy all day. I guess the alcohol that I was drinking last night is affecting me.

I put the cereal in the cart and keep on moving. I buy some dinner foods that we could use for the week and after that I am done. I go to the cash register and buy everything. Once I am done I bring it to the car and put it in the trunk. Willow and I go home.

When we get home Peeta helps me take in all of the groceries and take them out of the bags. " How was the store?," he asks me.

" It was kind of crowded this time. I guess it is just because of this time of day," I reply

" Yeah," he replies. Willow comes into the kitchen.

" Can we play outside?," Willow asks Peeta as I unpack the groceries.

" I guess so. If it is okay with mommy," he says looking at me. I smile.

" Of course you can," I reply laughing and they go outside. Im going to start dinner since thy are outside. I decide to make chicken rice and a vegetable.

I pull out the chicken, rice and broccoli that I will make. I take out a pan and lay the chicken on it. I season it and put it in the oven. I start making the rice and I hear the door open. I see Willow walking in with tears in her eyes.

" What happened," I ask and I look at Peeta.

" She tripped and fell. There is a little scrape on her knee," he tells me and picks her up. He puts her in a chair.

" It's okay, Willow," I say as I get a first aid kit. " I don't wanna see you cry," I say to her wiping her tears away.

I put some peroxide on her knee so it won't get infected and then I put a Spongebob themed band aid on it.

" Is that better?," I ask her and she nods smiling. " You wanna sit down and relax for a bit," I ask her and she shakes her head.

" No. I wanna play some more," she says and gets out of the chair. I swear I can't get her to relax! Peeta looks at me with a confused expression and shrugs. He follows her out of the door where they play until dinner is done.

I get back to cooking and about thirty minutes later it is done. I go to the front and open it and watch Peeta chase Willow around then pick her up and swing her around. I cross my arms and lean on the door frame as I watch them play happily. A smile comes up on my face as I see their happiness. I guess having another baby can't be that bad. I would love it just like I love Willow.

  " Guys, dinner is ready," I say smiling. Peeta chases Willow inside.

" Im starving," Peeta says which makes me laugh.

" I believe it. You guys worked up an appetite playing out there," I say. " Now why don't you two wash your hands," I ask them and thy go to the sink to wash them as I make their plates.

  Willow sits down at the table and I give her a plate of food. She is still in a phase where she likes to play with her food but she is getting better.

" This is delicious," Peeta announces as he takes more bites.

" Thank you," I reply giggling. I look at Willow who is eating quickly. She must have been really hungry too.

Later after I put Willow to bed, Peeta and I talk more about this whole baby thing. " So are you sure you want another baby?," Peeta asks me. I nod.

" Yes, I am pretty sure. I am- " Peeta cuts me off.

" Because, I don't want you to do this for me. I want you to want this too," he tells me.

" Yeah, I know," I say. " But I want another baby. I really do," I tell him. I'm not lying at all. I feel like having another one will be a good idea. He nods because I think he finally believes me. I smile and drift off to sleep.

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