Chapter 11: Day With Kids

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   Katniss POV

Today Nalla and I are meeting up at the park for us and our kids to get together. When we get there I get out of the car and I open the door for Willow. She jumps out of the car and runs toward the playground. There are a few other kids there so Willow plays with them.

I sit down on a bench on the playground and watch her play. Soon later I get a tap on my shoulder and I turn my head around to see that it's Nalla.

  " Hey!," I exclaim and stand up to give her a hug.

  " Hey! This is a nice park," she says as Christopher runs to play.

" Yeah. I'm glad we could meet up," I say to her. She nods and Chloe begins to pull on Nalla's hand to go with her. She picks her up and smiles.

  " Let's go on the swings," she says. I laugh a little and follow her to the swings where Nalla and I talk.

  " So how is your day going," she asks me as she pushes Chloe in the swing.

  " It's going fine. How about you," I ask her.

" It's okay. I guess," she replies.

" What do you mean 'I guess'?" I ask her with a frown.

  " I just had a little argument with Carter this morning. He just was a little upset because he didn't get much sleep last night. He had to stay at work until midnight!" she tells me.

  " Wow. Well I am sorry about the argument," I say to her. She laughs a little.

  " Why are you apologizing," she says with a chuckle.

  " I don't kn-" my sentence is cut off by the sound of a crying child. But I know the cry. It sounds like Willow. I whip my head around to see her sitting on the wood chip- covered ground. I see Christopher walk up to her and help her stand up but she still has tears in her eyes.

  Quickly, I walk over to them and ask what happened. " Willow? What's the matter," I ask her brushing wood chips off of her pants.

  " The mean boy pushed me!" she says as more sobs escape her mouth. She points up in the play set where a boy stands looking down at her. I can tell he is at least three or four years older than Willow. Nalla comes over with Chloe and I know she wants to know what happened too.

" Did you push her?," I ask the boy and he shakes his head.

" No!," he says.

" Yes he did! He pushed me from up there," she tells me pointing up at the top of the play set.

" You shouldn't push anyone," I tell the boy but he gives me a mean grimace.

" You can't tell me what to do. You're not my mom!" he replies to me.

" Well why did you push her," I ask him trying to stay calm about it.

" She didn't move when I wanted her to!" he yells to me. I look to my side and see that a woman is walking up to us.

" Billy what's going on?" she asks the boy. She must be his mother.

" She won't leave me alone!," he yells pointing at me.

" Why are you bothering my son?!," she asks me coldly.

" Well I wasn't bothering your son. Your son was bothering my daughter. He pushed her off of the play set," I tell her and she crosses her arms.

" I don't believe that for one second!" she says to me angrily.

" Well it's what happened. I watched from over there. Your son should apologize," I tell her raising my eyebrows.

" He won't apologize because he didn't do anything," she says. " Billy, come on! We are going to leave."

  " But mom," he complains sadly. " I don't want to go!"

" Well we have to. We have better places to be," she tells him and rolls her eyes at me. Billy walks off of he play set and leaves the park with his mom. Nalla and I are just looking at each other in disbelief.

   " Wow. I can't believe that just happened," Nalla says laughing and shaking her head.

  " I know! People can be so crazy," I reply. " Do you wanna keep playing Willow," I ask her rubbing her back. She just nods and goes to play with Christopher  again. Nalla and I sit on the park bench as Chloe plays in the sand box.

  " So are you excited about your baby?," she asks me. I nod

" Yeah I am!," I reply with a smile. " Did I ever tell you the gender?!" She shakes her head.

  " No. What is it," she asks me.

  " We are having a boy," I say excitedly.

  " Oh really?!," she exclaims. " Congrats!"

  " Thank you!" I thank her. " Now Peeta will have a boy and a girl."

  " Yeah that's great," she says with a smile. Willow and Christopher run up to us.

  " Mommy, I'm hungry," Christopher says to Nalla. Nalla looks down at her watch.

  " It's almost lunch time. Did you and Willow eat anything?" she asks me and I shake my head.

  " No. Not lunch," I reply to her.

  " Well maybe we could get something to eat at a restaurant or something," she suggests.

  " Yeah that sounds good," I reply to Nalla.

  We all decide that we should leave now to get to the restaurant. We agreed on going to this pizza restaurant call Uno. When we get there we all go inside and are seated at a table. I sit next to Willow and Nalla sits in between Chloe and Christopher. Nalla and I chat and help the kids order their food. We spend our afternoon hanging out together.

We've Lasted---Sequel to Forever LovedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz