Mishaps and The Unexplainable

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Chapter One - Tell Mary by Meg & Dia

"Her voice deep and charming at first."

Katherine walked along the familiar sidewalks that she remembered from when she was little, except it was more rugged and broken than the last time she walked along them. The trees' shadows seen on the ground along with her own figure. The darkened street and silence making Katherine unsure on why she was out during the night. She tucked her right hand into the pocket of her jacket, holding a bundle of chrysanthemums in her left hand.

She turned right, passing the sign that read "Beacon Hills Cemetery", walking towards the grave that she only has visited once in her lifetime, passing the rest of the cold stoned graves of all shapes and sizes. Katherine glanced at the ground before looking at her mother's grave ignoring the gravedigger just a few feet away from her, "Lucy M. Chase (February 25, 1973 - March 18, 2006)".

Katherine smiled, an image of her mother flashing into her mind. She bent down, not wanting for her clothes to get dirty, but then just decided to sit there next to her mother's grave, knowing she might be here a while. She placed the bundle of flowers on the side, fixing the angle so it looked perfect. "Hey, mom," she spoke, her voice soft and quiet as if she really was talking to her face-to-face, but also being quiet thinking that someone could probably hear her.

"I know, I haven't had the chance to visit you more than once, but at least I visited you more than zero times," Katherine said, lightly chuckling to herself. "I just want to remind you that... Dad and I still love you, even if he is somewhere else. I know he knows that you're still by our sides and that you're watching over us. Even if I haven't visited dad in a while, and hasn't visited you at all, I'm sure that on my behalf he still loves you as much as he did when he said those actual words." she explained, unable to stop smiling, thinking that she might cry if she blabbered on more, but something else stopped her from blabbering.

Katherine looked away from her mother's grave, glancing around when hearing the sound of someone running, leaves and branches crunching together. She noticed the gravedigger had probably heard the noise too from the way the man inside was also looking around. Katherine ignored the noise, directing her attention back to her mother's grave until the running started again, only this time, the sound of something falling echoed throughout the graveyard, glass shattering along with something else, then a growl roared.

Katherine pushed herself off the ground with her heels, moving to hide behind one of the tallest statues. She peeked around the corner, finding the machine down over one of the grave holes, and glass broken into various pieces. It was too dark to see what or who had been growling or if the man in the machine had escaped safely. Katherine knew that her being her she wouldn't have gone out in the open to see what as happening, so after hearing the noises finally stop she waited for about a minute before stepping out into the open, just to find the machine now not covering the grave hole. She rushed towards the hole, not noticing the man who was standing by.

"Are you okay?" Katherine spoke, looking down at the man who seemed to be stuffed into the corner of the hole. He looked up from the ground, freezing when looking up at Katherine. Katherine just smiled when seeing the boy's appearance and expression, bending down to extend her hand out for the boy to grab, and he gladly did.


Katherine stood next to her aunt who was quite mad for knowing her niece was out during the night without any parental guidance. The boy - Katherine still did not know his name - and his father stood next to her right while a sheriff was asking questions.

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