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Chapter Fifteen - Too Many Faces by Cherri Bomb

"Are you trying to hide behind a stupid lie, when the truth is in your eyes?"

Katherine and Scott were currently at the animal clinic. Since she was in sixth grade she knew she wanted to get a job during freshman year when she turns sixteen, but with the whole moving back to Beacon Hills thing it got in the way. And since Katherine has a love for animals Deaton offered her a job and she accepted immediately.

Suddenly the the bell chimed, from outside, and the dogs started barking. "Would you mind seeing who that is?" Deaton asked, and Scott did as told, going outside, while Katherine was bending down slightly, caressing the dog on the medical table, slightly tearing up.

The dogs were still barking, but the one special dog below her was whimpering, somehow reminding her of something. "It's okay, Isaac. We're open." Katherine eyes glanced at the door, but back to the dog, just wanting to hug it for some reason. She's always wanted something to take care of. To show that she was responsible, and that she cares for someone and loves someone, since it wasn't possible for it to be a boy, she wanted a puppy.

The dog whimpered again, and Katherine's heart was slightly breaking. "Why does it smell like that?" Isaac asked, on the side of the medical table.

Scott and Deaton looked at him, "What?" Isaac asked, confused.

"Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago. One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not." Deaton explained, the hope drowning from his tone.

"He's not getting better, is he?" Katherine sighed. "Like cancer. Osteosarcoma."

"It has a very distinct scent, doesn't it?" Deaton said. "Come here. I know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you. Improved strength, speed, and healing. You ever wonder what it could do for others? Give Katherine your hand. Go on."

Katherine smiled, knowing she was definitely going to cry, knowing that she did last time she saw Scott do this. Isaac held his hand out to Katherine, and she touched his fingers, using hers to lead his hand down near the whimpering dog. Hovering it about the dog, she slowly set his hand down on the dog.

The invisible veins from his hand became visible, turning black to show where the veins connected. Isaac took his hand away, examining it with shock. "What did I do?" he asked, and Katherine smiled, tears brimming her eyes.

"You took some of his pain away. Only a little bit. But sometimes a little can make quite a difference."

Isaac looked up, tearing up as well, and for the first time in forever, Katherine saw him smile. It wasn't a smile that she recognized like a grin or a sympathetic smile, it was a smile that made her heart beat quicken, but somehow made her heart shatter. It was the worst and best feeling she probably has ever felt in a while.

"It's okay." Scott reassured, "First time he showed me, I cried, too."

"Well, this is officially has been my third cry then." Katherine said, chuckling, while wiping the forming tears away.


"They're leaving tonight, during the game." Isaac said, referring to Erica and Boyd.

"So, why are you telling us?"

"I'm not telling you. I'm asking you. I"m asking for both of your advice."

"From me? Why?" Scott asked, also exactly why Katherine was about to ask.

"Because I trust you two." Isaac answered.

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