Chapter One

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I was walking home from another day of being bullied at school about being poor. I wiped a tear of my cheek as my iPhone 5 rang in the pocket of my JCrew jeans. I took off my Michael Kors sunglasses and looked down to see I had recieved a text. I unlocked my iPhone to see it was a text from my mom.

Be home soon the mayor is coming

Ok I text back and continue to walk home.

When I arrive home at my manison, my mother is standing in the kithcen wearing her expensive floral dress and her Gucci high heels.

"The mayor and his son will be here soon, so go upstaris and change," She tells me with hands on her hips. I nod and race upstairs to change.

I have absolutely nothing to wear! I sigh in frustration and wish I wasn't so poor as i stare into my walk in closet. I finally decide on my tribal print leggings and a grey bagy sweater. After quickly doing my makeup and pulling my hair into a messy bun I start to leave my room, but I stop in front of my full length mirror encrusted in gold.

I'm so fat! I think to myself as i run my hands down my size zero body. I can feel my razors calling me from their hiding spot under my bed. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and hury down staris.

"There you are," Says my mother with a fake grin plastered on her face. I almost asked her why she was smiling like that, but then i noticed the five boys sitting on the couch staring at me.

"I thought the mayor was coming, Mother," I ask, confused.

"I just told you that so you wouldn't freak out," Says my mother with that stupid grin still on her face. "This," She motions to the boys on the couch, "Is One Direction."

I think for a second trying to place where I've heard that before, but I just couldn't place it. "And who are you exactly?" I ask pulling at my sleeves.

"WHAT?! How do you not know who we are?" The curly one stands up and yells. I flinch and step back.

"Harry, calm down," The chocolate orbed one scolds. He turns and sends me a cheeky grin. I decide right then and there that I want to be friends with him.

"Got any food in this dump?" The blond one to no one in particular.

"Yeah. Like carrots? Got an of those?" The boy in stripes asks, sending me a toothless grin.

"Umm, I'm not sure. But i can check," I reply heading towards the kitchen. I turn and notice they have gotten up and followed me. I shrug and keep walking.

I open my fridge and peer inside. I spot a bag of baby carrots and pull them out.

"Here you go Stripes," I say and remind myself to get all their names later. I toss the bag on the counter and watch as the boys swarm the bag. Seconds later when they step away, the counter is left empty! They ate the bag too! I think to myself in horror. They all looked at me, then huddled into a corner. I didn't move.

My cook, Cookie, strolled into the kitchen and gave me a puzzled look pointing at the boys still in the corner talking in hushed tones. I shrugged. As she walked over to the pantry, I saw cury lift his head.

"Maybe it's the way she walked-OW!" He started to sing before blondie pinched his arm. "What'd you do that for, mate?" Oh, so his name must be Mate. Interesting name, I wonder where his parents came up with that.

"Yeah, Mate. Why did you do that Mate?" I question staring right into Mate's blue orbs.

"Why are you calling me 'mate' so much?" Mate says giving me a werd look.

"That's your name, duh" I shoot back at him, placing my hands on my hips. Out of the corner of my eye I see the bad boy looking one roll his brown orbs at me. I turn and glare at him. "What is your problem? Why did you just roll your eyes at me?"

He smirks, then says, "Because, his name is not mate and if you think that you must be really stupid."

"You are such a meanie butt!" I scream and rush to my room as i start to cry. I grab my razors and think of how I am not only getting bullied at school now, but also in my own home by these radnom strangers. I look at my wrist where i intend on making a cut. I wince as I brush the razor against my skin ever so slightly, creating a scrape on my arm. I never actually make myself bleed becuase blood is gross. Like for real, who would make themselves bleed on purpose. Definitely not me!

I am about to make another scrape, when the is a knock at the door. I freeze in place. When whoever is there knocks again, I snap back into reality and realize I forgot to lock the door. I frantically try to put my razors back when the door swings oepn. Curly and Mate stroll into the room. They stop when they spot the razors in my hands and the tear stains on my cheeks. Curly rushes over to me.

"Why did you do this to yourself, love?" Curly says looking upset. Mate stands in the doorway also looking sad. I'm surprised they aren't smirking.

"B-b-because the bad boy made fun of me," I manage to say before bursting into tears again.

Mate walks over and hugs me, and then says, " I can see that you're insecure, but I don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the door. And you don't need makeup to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough."

I look up at him, "That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," I sob, hugging both of them and start to feel a bit better about myself.

Authors note! FYI we are not trying to make fun of people who self harm, it's part of the story and we are sorry if it offends you. Thanks for reading!

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