Chapter Three

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I turn around searching for Curly, Stripes, and the chocolate orbed one. They are all frozen in odd positions; the chocolate orbed one is still on the floor, Curly is in the air as if he's been freeze framed, and Stripes is doing the splits. What is going on here...?

"Why do you guys look like that?" I say poking Curly's cheek. He falls to the floor with a loud thud!

"Oh thank god! You have no idea how much that hurt," Stripes stands up rubbing his thighs. I just stare at him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Huh? Couldn't you have just gotten out of the splits or something?" I say as the chocolate orbed one up off the floor.

"No, he couldn't have. I can't believe you have a fanfic fridge, but don't know the all of the rules: if the narrator isn't talking to you, you can't move," He states then walks away.

"Oh my gosh! My poor cats haven't been fed yet!" Curly cries then runs out of the kitchen. I chase after him when I hear the crash of my mother's favorite vase hit the floor. Oh well, she's not going to appear again anyways.

I reach the front hall to find the door wide open. Where could he have gone? I think for a second, but my thoughts are interrupted by a meow.

"Be quiet cat! I'm trying to think of where Curly's cats could be," I scratch my head in thought. The cat rubs against my legs so I bend down to pet it.

"Dusty number 7 where are you," I hear Curly shouting.

"Is this him?" I shout back. He walks over. When he sees the cat he thanks me over and over again.

"How many cats do you have?" I ask seeing all the cats running around the lawn. "Like five?"

"Uhmm no. I have 69 cats," he smirks.

"Oh okay, cool!"

"Yep," He said popping the p.


Later, when we were all struggling to eat our soup with forks, Cookie stood up and said, "I don't even know why we're even attempting this! I'm going to get some food from Nandos," then got up to leave.

"And bring me some Starbucks," I yell.

"Don't you want coffee from somewhere else?" Stripes asks me, biting into a carrot that just appeared out of nowhere.

"No, it's the only coffee shop in exsistence, duh," I flicked my hair off my shoulder.

When Cookie returned and had the food spread all over the counter, I spotted the rice. Oh no, that rice reminds me of my troubled past. What if I start to cry in front of these boys? I could feel my razors calling  my name. I needed them.

I rose from my chair and silently left the room. As soon as i was out, I ran straight for my bedroom. I threw the door open. I pulled my razors from their hiding spot.

I heard footsteps in the hall way and put the razors back.

"What are you doing?" the chocolate orbed one asks looking concerned.

"Why does it matter?" Meanie butt says picking at his nails. I glare at him but he doesn't look up.

"The rice, i-it reminded me of my troubled past," I start to cry.

"What happened?" Mate looks concerned.

"I can't talk about it. It's to... troubled," I sob.

I look up when none of them says anything. I see that all their mouths are moving but no sound is coming out.

"Why aren't you making any noise?" Stripes' mouth stops moving.

"Because, usually when we sing no one reads the lyrics anyways so we aren't actually going to  sing."

"You guys can sing, it's okay," I say.

"Okay lads! A 5, 6, 7, 8..."

*Insert song lyrics that no one is going to read here*

"Wow. That was beautiful," I smile at them, "Sing another?"

"No, why would we sing for you again. You're so greedy," Meanie butt scowls then leaves the room.

*Authors note: Shelby and I laugh quite a lot when we write these, so I hope we aren't the only ones who find it funny. We are going to update on Caturday ;) and yes I know today isn't a caturday but shhhh no one has to know! Thanks for reading! And if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to comment and we will most likely use them. Thanks!*

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