Chapter Nine

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Two more. I can work with that. I'm Kylie, I can do anything. Well not anything, I can't pee standing up like a guy because, you know, I'm not a guy and all. But anyways, now to find Blondie.

I pulled aside one of the curtains on one of those wall caves and found Curly inside.

"Get out," he said and turned to face the wall. I left him to his walk watching and pulled back another curtain. Aha!

"Just who I was looking for," I clapped my hands together and smiled at Blondie's sleeping form. He turned over and groaned.

"Come along! No time to dilly dally! Up, up, up," I poked his face and shook him a little. He cracked his eyes open and stared at me.

"Why?" he mumbled.

"Because I have something to show you," I have no idea how this plan is gonna work out. I really don't have anything to show him. Maybe if I just crawled into his wall cave with him...

"Nevermind, it can wait," I expected him to say something along the kind of 'no Kylie don't go, what do you want to show me' but instead he just shrugged and closed his eyes. Boys

are stupid. I shoved him over to make room for my beautiful body.

"The hell are you doing?" he gave me a strange look and scooted towards the wall. He wasn't trying to get away from me, obviously he was snuggling with the wall for warmth.

"Come here babe, I'll warm you up," I pulled my most sexy face: kissy lips and narrowed eyes, definitely sexiliscious.

"But I'm not even cold. . ."he trailed off when I pressed a finger to his lips and shushed him.

"Shh baby it's all okay now," his eyes got wide, which was incredibly adorable, and tried to get closer to the wall. Man this boy must be freezing his butt - his sexy butt - off.

"You don't have to use the house car's walls for warmth anymore; you have me now," he stared at me with huge eyes. He's obviously not scared or anything, he's just being the normal Blondie that he always is.

"Now kiss me, Blondie," I pressed my face against his.

"Get off me!" he pushed me,hard, and I fell right out of the wall cave and onto the floor.

"And leave me alone," Blondie yelled and then swiftly pulled the wall caves curtain closed.

I sat up and crossed my arms. No, I wasn't pouting, just thinking about how badly I've failed.

Wait! there's still one more boy. . .

Meanie butt.

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