Chapter Six

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"Do we really have to bring her? She doesn't even know us, like at all," Meanie butt whined when I climbed into their overly large car, or was it a bus? Don't ask me.

"Yes we do, she has no where to go and besides, she likes Liam's french fries," Blondie winked at me. I looked away and saw Curly smirking so I stuck my tongue out at him. Next thing I knew, he was running at me and tackling me to the ground.

"What the hell was that for?" I yelled.

"Not really sure, I just wanted to tackle you to see what you would do I guess." 

"Well! I never! That was quite rude of you and i demand that you get off of me right now!"

"What's stuck up her ass?" I hear Meanie Butt mutter to Blondie. Curly climbed off me laughing his head off. Those inconsiderate jerks don't know how annoyingly annoying they are. Standing up and brushing myself off, I heard rumbling. 

"What's tha- Ahh!" I fell right on my butt. 

"Oh yeah, the bus might knock you over wheni it starts so be careful," Meanie Butt called over his shoulder, walking ot the back of the giant bus.


"Make me some food,"  I demanded, well not really demanded more like forcfully asked, Meanie Butt. He just stared me down.

"We aren't your bulters, you know," And he went back to typity typing on his phone.

"Uh, yeah you kinda are. I'm a guest on your... House car thing, so you need to treat me like a guest. Now, be a nice host and make me some food," I crossed my arms over my chest.  

Meanie Butt glanced up again. I gave him a yeah-I'm-talking-to-you-look and he rolled his eyes at me, but he got up and went to the fridge. I sat down on the couch and crossed my legs waiting for my meal.

I was checking my nails when all of a sudden I felt something cold and wet all over me.

"Ahh! What was that for!" I jumped up and looked down to see my Pink yoga pants and my Michael Khors shirt soaked with milk.

"Awe, don't cry over spilled milk babe. You can just wash it off," he smiled.

Curly rushed in after he had heard my scream.

"What happened? Who did this?" He came to me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder for a while then he held me at arms length and said, "Look at me."

I looked rigth into his amazing green orbs and decided right there that I wanted to kiss him. I leaned in slowly and started to close my eyes. 

"What are you doing? Did you eat something sour?" I opened my eyes.

"No I was gonna kiss you, duh," 

"Eww why would I kiss you, what would make you think that, just eww," He shuddered and pushed me off of him. 

"The real question here is why wouldn't you want to get some of this," I gestured to myself, "Your loss then."

"Whatever lets you sleep at night.." He walked to his bunk, climbed in, and closed the curtain.

*Authors note: Soooooo what goes on? Still don't wanna hear a joke? No? Okay :( Eventually you will wanna hear it and i will make you pee your pants so HA Thanks for reading this crap MWAH byeee*

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