Chapter Eleven

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Harry's POV

"We need to get rid of her," I said as soon as Zayn came walking up to the front of the bus. The creeped out/ disgusted look on his face said it all.

"She attacked you too. . ." Niall whispered, rocking back and forth. He was still scared from his encounter, poor guy. Zayn nodded and leaned against the counter.

"She's weird, and yeah I know I was all for bringing her at first, but now I just want her gone. I mean look at Niall, she's ruined him," Liam pointed at the pale, quaking boy in the corner. We all glanced over as if we hadn't seen it already, then Louis spoke up;

"What should we do? If we tell her to leave she won't, she'll just laugh it off and most likely try to kiss us again."

"Louis is right, we need some really clever way of getting her to go away."

We all sat there thinking for a while, when suddenly it came to me.

"I got it! We get her off the bus and then just drive away! She'll never see it coming." The boys agreed to my plan and we decided to carry it out right then and there.

Kylie's POV

I was still sulking about not getting kissed by any of those luscious boys, when Curly came to the back of the bus where I was sitting.

"Can I help you?" I asked, not looking at him. He didn't help me when Meanie Butt was mean to me so he doesn't deserve to be looked at.

"Yeah actually, you can. Do you mind taking the trash out? I mean, your milk covered sweater is stinking up the bus," He pushed the can towards me. "Oh and the boys and I are sorry about everything, so we are going to cook you up an amazing feast right here. But the feast is supposed to be a surprise for when you get back from doing the trash, so make it seem like you don't know about it."

My ears perked up at the thought of the boys actually working for me. So my plan actually might have worked! I will finally have my slaves!

"Of course I will take this to the closest dumpster right away," I yelled loudly to make sure the boys in the back heard. "And who knows, it might take me a while."

"I will be back soon so hurry up with the food," I whispered to Curly and ran off the bus.

I walked for about a half an hour before finding somewhere to put the trash.

"Phew finally. At least all that walking made me hungry," And I headed back towards where the bus was parked.


"I swear it was right here. I mean, why would they have left me behind?" I was so confused and I had no idea where I would go. Then it hit me. These boys probably could not cook and went to Nandos to get the food for my feast. I guess I will stay till they come back, I thought.

"Hey there, sweet thang," I turned and saw a guy wink at me.

"Umm excuse me, but my name is not 'sweet thang', it's Kylie," I said in a 'duh' tone, putting a hand on my hip.

He started to move closer to me, licking his lips.

"Why are you licking your lips? Are your lips chapped? Do you want some chapstick or something?" I asked very confused as to why he would do that. If his lips were chapped licking them actually makes it worse, like, everyone knows that.

Next thing I know he is pushing against a wall and trying to kiss me. I was terrfied and tried to scream but he put his hand on my mouth and shushed me. I'm going to die, I thought, this is it.

I looked to the opening of the allyway and then I saw them: five boys, all walking like Rhianna, were coming to save me. They eventually saved me, but it took all of them to pry the man off of me.

"I'm glad you came," I said to the bald one.

"Glad we could save you from that warzone," he said. Then, he and the rest of the boys turned and got into a van that was waiting for them. I just had to know who my saviors were, so I followed them into the van.

I looked around at all their man-boy faces, then I asked, "Who are you?

"We're The Wanted."

*le end*

*Authors note; I've had this part written for a long time, pretty much since i wrote the first chapter and it's my favorite part in the enitre pile of fly poop that is this book. thanks for reading and if you've stuck it out with me thanks! MWAH and byee for what will probably be the last time*

PS: it's just too bad you didn't get to hear my joke, i mean, it being so awesome and all. You should read my other book because SWEGWAY. Yeah. do it. Welpp byeeee

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