Chapter Seven

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"I will miss you dearly my dear Michael sweater," I sniffed before throwing it into the trash. Damn Meanie Butt. No one should ever give him anything that can be poured over someone else. I will have to warn the other boys of his little problem. 

"Hi Kylie," I heard someone behind me.

"Oh hello there Stripey, I'm just throwing away one of my most beloved sweaters," I closed the lid of the bin.

"But why? If it's one of your favorites why get rid of it?" He questioned.

"Well, your lovely friend Meanie Butt decided to pour milk all over me for absolutely no reason at all. I was simply sitting on the couch and then BAM it's being poured all over me." I sniffed trying to get myself to cry. It's actually really hard t make yourself cry. I have no idea how movie people do it; do they have some kind of switch on their bodies that just turns the tears on? If that's the case then I really need to get me on of those.

"Aww you poor thing," He pulled me into a tight embrace. Yes! My plan is working, and if it goes right< I will have the boys making me glorious foods and waiting on me hand and foot just like they already should be.

I sniffed again, still trying to cry, but no tears would come. I will just have to pinch myself really hard, I thought. When I pinched myself I tried not to wince and tried to cry instead. Still nothing,nada, ziltch, not even watery eyes. Why is this so hard, ugh.

"Thats enough hugging for now. To the carrots," he raced past me to the refrigerator. I watched him rumage in there for a little while unitl he pulled out a giant bag of orange and ploped himself down on the couch.

"This is what i'm talking about," He said shoving carrots into his mouth. Aha! I know how to get him to kiss me!

I slowly walked over to the couch and stood infront of him. He paid me no attention. I grabbed the bag in his hands and attempted to pry it out of his hands.

"Give it to me now," I said trying to be sexy, heck I don't have to try I'm automatically sexy, this should be easy. He handed me the bag, giving me a confused look. I stradled his lap and then went for the kiss.

"HELP! SOMEONE GET HER OFF OF ME!" He yelled.I clamped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up you twit," I shushed him, "Now just relax and go with it."

"I would rather not," He pushed me onto the floor and snatched the bag out of my hands.

"You are missing out. You have no idea how awesome I am at kissing. And now you'll never know," I said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Carrots are better than your nasty face any day." 

I crossed my arms and turned away from him. At least there are three more boys left to try my charm on....

*Authors Note: There is a really werid add on the side of my screen... It has a scary old man on it, well I think it's a man, could be a woman, right? Eep help meh escape! From what you ask? do you dek? because idek *looks around room all innocent like* don't question me, i'm odd and really not funny welpp MWAH byee*

P.S. Two updates in one day because i'm cool like that. and because it's a snow day and i felt like it idek MWAH byee again!

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