Chapter Ten

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Why did I wait to try and kiss him? If I had kissed him first obviously the other boys would have followed suit! Ugh! I need to think things through!

Oh well, too late now. Unless there's a time machine somewhere on this majestical house car. . . No time to search though! Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns! Not now Mulan!

Okay, I've gotta find Meanie Butt, but where to look first. . . I can't think over that damned shower and the person singing! Wait a second. . .

Ah ha! He's obviously the one singing in the shower.

Rushing to the small bathroom, I threw open the door and stepped inside. I closed the door lightly, very ninja like I must add, and tiptoed, also very ninja like, to the shower.

"I'm a Barbie girl! In a Barbie world! Life in plastic! It's fantastic!" Meanie Butt sang. He's so girly sometimes!

I pulled back the shower curtain and yelled, "There you are!"

He stopped mid song and scream, obviously like a girl, and used his hands to cover up his junk. Why do people call penises 'their junk'? Like, come on people, penises are fun. Am I right? Am I right? Yeah, I thought so.

"What the hell?!" He looked scared. I've so got the power now.

"Kiss me or I'll take pics of you like that and post them to the interweb," I placed my hands on my hips.

"Fuck off Kylie," he pushed past me and tried to open the door. I leaned up against it so it wouldn't open, then grabbed his face with both of my hands.

I brought my face to his, but right before I could kiss him, he head butted me, and I was out cold.

I woke up dizzy and not sure of where I was. I looked around and realized I was in the back of the bus on a couch.

Nice of Meanie Butt to actually be a Nicey Butt for once. Where are all the of the boys?

*Authors note: eep! Next chapter is the last , and my favorite, chapter! I don't know when I started this but who cares, I finished it and I'm proud haha thanks for reading MWAH BYEE*

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