Chapter Eight

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After being rejected by Stripey, I decided to search for The Chocolate Orbed One. I mean come on, he's so obviously guilable. He looks like a puppy for crying out loud. 

During my search, I came across many interesting thing in the boys' house car. For example, there are a whole hell of a lot of weird shorts every where. The boys never even wear shorts! Whose were they? All that plaid is annoying anyways. 

I bent down to pick up a pair and move it into a trash can, when a large hand snatched them right out of my grasp.

"What do you think you're doing throwing these away?"  I turned and saw exactly who I wanted to see:The Chocolate Orbed One. I mentally fist pumped.

"These have to some of the-" I stopped myself. I can't be mean to him if I want hi to be my minion slash slave, I thought to myself. "Most amzing shorts ever! Where did ya' get 'em? I'm thinking about getting a pair myself." He laughed. What was so funny? I found nothing funny about asking where to get 'awesome' pants.

"They aren't shorts- well technically they are, but not the type you're thinking of," he chuckled then continued. "They're boxer shorts."

When I didn't answer him, he tried again, "You know, like underwear? Guy underwear? Why do you look as if you've never seen men's underwear before?"

I stood still for a second, then quickly replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. I have so seen guy underwear before! You don't know what you're saying." I was about to turn away and march off angrily, but then I recalled why I had actually started this stupid search through the house car in the first place. 

I needed to get that kiss.

And he's sstanding right infront of you,too. Although he does look a little weirded out or surprised or something. But still, he is right there. And he has on that short sleeved shirt that are shows off his goldenly tanned french fries again. Yum.

I'm just go for it. It's not like he's gonna resist these luchious lips, I thought to myself.

I leaned in and closed my eyes. I leaned and leaned, and then realized that his face should have already collided with mine. The next thing I knew, I was kissing the ground.

"What'd you move for," I spat at him. 

"You can't kiss me, that's just weird. Sorry Kylie," He looked at me sympathetically.

"If you're so sorry and smypathetic, then you would have let me kiss you," I whined, I mean no, Kylies don't whine, they simply say what they want in a higher voice.

The Chocolate Orbed One rose his caterpillars at me.

"Don't you raise those bugs at me," I sassed. They just went higher up on his face.


"Yeah, bugs. Those caterpillars you call eyebrows." I snapped my fingers AND head swiveled.

"You've been around Lou too much," He shook his head. I was about to reply, when he stopped me. He patted my shoulder, and walked towards the front of the house car.

*AUTHORS NOTE: SOOoooooooo how ya doin'? (Que Little Mix here) I'm doing fine, thanks for NOT asking. anywhoooo I think I'm gonna write the next two chapters and post them this weekend and then just upload the last chapter, which is already beautifully finished(just kidding it's just klike the rest of these chapterrs, just more hilarious, or at least I like to think that) well I'm gonna go! OKay so this authors note we talked about chapters and little mix quotes and how people are doing baldjhfkjabsvfsbbvabf BOOOOOO! I like Connor Franta if you cannot already tell. Zamn this is a LONG authors note well I'm gonna skadadle for real now MWAH BYEE*

P.S. Do you still not wanna hear a joke? I mean, I've got some pretty gosh darn good ones... ehh?ehh? *nudge nudge* okay byee

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