Chapter Five

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I pulled my Louis Vuitton suitcases out of my walk-in closet. Into the many suitcases I shoved all my tribal print leggings and oversized sweaters. All fifteen Northface jackets and multiple pairs of Ugg boots joined the outfits. Thinking about what else I might possibly need, I wondered into my closet. Dazed, I walked all the way to the back. I snapped back to reality and did not know where I was.

Where am I? I've never been to this part of my house before. It looks like like an empty closet... How is there an empty closet in my house! This is a tragedy! I must fill this closet when I return! If I return. . . I might end up as the new Mrs. Harry Styles and have a child and name her Darcy. Wait, I need to get out of here first in order to fufil my dreams. Let's see...

I started to hyperventalate because I did not know where I was. I went down onto my knees and started to crawl towards the light. Wait! I'm not supposed to go towards the light. Am I dead?

"Kylie? Are you in here?" the Chocolate Orbed one called for me.

"Don't come in here! It's a trap!" I hastily yelled back not wanting him to be taken prisoner too. "Just leave me here to die!"

"OH NO WHAT SHOULD I DO! I-I-I'M GOING TO GET HELP! NIALL GET IN HERE! KYLIE IS IN GRAVE DANGER!" he goes into panick mode and rushes out of the room.

I heard him run back into the room about five minutes later. "Kylie? Are you still alive?"

"I'm here! Just save me before I wither away," I sob.

"I'll reel you in! Just grab the hook when it gets to you."

A hook? What? Then it hit me, literally.

"Not my baggy sweater! It's gonna have a hole in the arm pit!" I screamed as I was dragged out of this mysterious closet. After being pulled for a while, I realized I was actually in my own closet in my room.

"Oh Kylie thank goodness you're okay," the Chocolate Orbed one pulls me into his very muscluar arms. Oh how I love muscley arms. They are usually tan and oiled to perfection. They remind me of the most amazing french fries: golden brown and crisped to perfection. Yum. Just the ones you would get at McDonalds. Just about thinking about them makes-

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Blondie says with a wink. "Should I leave and come back later," He moved his eye brows up and down.

"Yes, yes you should. I was trying to looked at his perfectly tanned french fries- I mean arms- I mean what?"

"What?" The Chocolate Orbed one let go of me and started backingup slowly.

"What?" Blondie cracked up.

"I mean- I didn't just say french fries.."

"You seriously just said-" The Chocolate Orbed one started to say before the bedroom door was once again thrown open as Curly made his grand entrance.

"Time to go!" He yelled then turned on his heel and pranced out again.

*Authors note: Sooooooo I never update, like ever.... Sorry! I'm a very busy person(NOT!) but in all seriousness, I just didn't know what to wirte so yeah. Thanks for anyone who reads my junk writing :P OH MY GOODNESS GRACIANIOUS (#JOEYGRACEFFA) WANNA HEAR A JOKE? YES? NO? okay then, well byeee!*

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