Prologue: How it All Began

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  Yugi didn't know what he'd expected. He'd brushed it off when Anzu called it a "girls" night after dragging him along with her and Mai Valentine. He'd even brushed off the neon letters and the shifty part of town the building belonged to. He'd even paid little mind to the girls' snazzy outfits, never mind that they matched. He'd just assumed, since Anzu and Mai had begun spending so much time together, that they were acting like "normal girls" – a phrase nearly foreign to him as a teenage boy who'd never gotten a real date.

  He looked at the outfit hung up on the dressing room door. A white button up with short, poofy sleeves, an obnoxious bow-tie, which was more bow than tie, a red vest, a-and...a black skirt. A skirt. He wouldn't have minded the outfit otherwise, but just because Yugi secretly liked guys did not mean he wanted to start wearing girl's clothes. He wondered how Anzu knew his sizes anyway, and brushed it off as probably a lucky guess. Girls were better with those kind of things. Yugi had trouble just finding jeans that would fit his short, skinny stature.

  He stripped down to his underwear and stared at his new garments again. Anzu knocked on the door to check on him and he jumped a little.

  "B-be out in a minute!" He shouted, and flushed about his own stuttering. He'd gained a lot of confidence since the beginning of high school, as he was now in his senior year, but it seemed he still wasn't saved from his embarrassment.

  He quickly pulled the skirt up over his hips and it fit snugly. He put on the button-up and the vest and the bow-tie. Then he went over and grabbed the knee-high black boots Anzu had also bought for him. The laces helped it fit snug around his calves. He looked in the mirror at himself and he felt his face heat up. He almost looked like a girl.

  Taking a deep breath, Yugi opened the door and peaked out. Anzu turned around and beamed at him.

  "Hey, thanks for filling in with us, we couldn't get this gig without a third girl. I owe you one."

  "Well, you kinda forced me into it..."

  "I'm sorry, it's just-"

  "Yugi!" Mai interjected, "Or should I say, Yuki," She smiled and engulfed him in a hug. Yuki was to be his stage name, "You look absolutely adorable!"

  Anzu rolled her eyes and then poked her head around Mai, "You tucked like I told you to, right?"

  "Yeah, it's sort of...uncomfortable," Yugi replied, gently pushing Mai off of him.

  "Your makeup is still fine...You've got the bow tie..." Anzu mumbled, looking him up and down, "Oh! You can sing, right?"

  "What? I mean, I guess...sort of?"

  "Sing me something. You're gonna have to sing, the words will be on the teleprompter, you can dance too right? I know it's a lot on short notice but I didn't think you'd come if I asked earlier."

  "Uh, what should I sing?"

  "Oh, you'll be fine just winging it." Mai said, flinging her hair back over her shoulder, "People might find it endearing if you stumble over yourself onstage~"

  Anzu and Mai shortly began bickering, but Yugi only paid mind to how it felt to have air on his thighs under his skirt, and how it was sort of nice how snug the clothes fit. He was trying to build some confidence in this alien situation and was almost excited to be trying something new.

  Ten minutes later, the three "girls" were being ushered onstage to sing, dance, and entertain a crowd, made up of mostly men. Despite being unprepared, it worked out for Yugi, and thus began his secret, "genderbent" career.

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