Chapter 3 ~ The Magician Girls

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  "Hello audience! Get ready and welcome the Magician Girls!" Anzu shouted to the crowd, holding a microphone to her lips.

  "Mai Valentine~!"


  "And I'm Anzu!"

  Anzu lifted her arm and snapped her fingers and the music started. The three "girls" each took their turn singing to the upbeat music. Mai constantly leaned forward toward the crowd, as if to show off her cleavage, and Anzu constantly bounced up and down with her movements. Yuki, however, obviously didn't have as much to offer so she kept up a cute, innocent act for the crowd. They loved it.

  Yuki flushed as she realized the ruling King of Games was standing front row, beaming at her. He was the top duelist, the best in the world - what was he doing here? His hair was hard to miss, so it had to be him.

  Yuki picked up her part in the song and took the opportunity to reach her hand out to the crowd. Tons of sweaty hands touched hers, but the King of Games' was cold as the night air.

  "I saw that," Anzu would later comment, "So you got to touch your idol's hand?"

  Mai would promptly begin teasing Yugi about it as he washed off his makeup at her apartment. He'd be red from more than just wiping his makeup off with water and a scruffy rag. It didn't matter. He got to touch Yami's hand.

  That night after Anzu dropped him off, Yugi was walking tiredly on air. The sun had long left the sky but Yugi was practically glowing.

  "I'm home, Grandpa!" Yugi shouted before ascending the stairs up to his room. He opened the door and just as soon as he had entered the room, flopped onto the bed.

  He stopped his thoughts from gushing over his excitement of the day. The King of Games...he pushed that to the back of his mind. That would probably be the last time he saw him there, touching his hand was as close as he was going to get.

  However, that didn't turn out to be true. Since that last performance the King of Games seemed to be diligent about attending every one. He always stood in the front and Yuki's gimmick became touching the hands of the fans. She paraded about center stage like Yugi never had in his normal life; when he was Yuki it was like he was invincible.

  Mai and Anzu dragged him on a couple more shopping trips, which Yugi grew not to mind. He had gotten used to the routine when the opportunity arose.

  "Do you think we should sell backstage passes? It's a thing all those famous people do." Mai said while curling her hair as we prepared for another performance.

  "Backstage passes?" Anzu asked.

  "Yeah, you know, where we do the meet-n-greet kind of thing. Meet our fans, have our fans meet us."

  "Isn't that a little dangerous? You know...with Yugi and all."

  "Yuki. She'll be fine as long as she stays in character like she does on stage."

  "But it won't be on stage, meeting the fans is much more personal."

  "Sure, but what do you think Yuki? Think you could handle it?" Mai asked, turning to Yugi.

  The thought honestly made him nervous, but the thought of possibly meeting the King of Games up close and personal made his heart hammer in his chest.

  "I mean, I think I can handle it," Yugi said.

  "See? It's going to be fine, and we'll make more money that way." Mai concluded.

  "I'm not against trying it," Anzu replied, "But if problems arise we're not doing it again."

  And so the three decided to sell three backstage passes for the next show.

  "One, two, three, one, two, three..." Anzu mumbled as the "girls" practiced their number that they'd perform Friday night.

  "Oh, Friday night! I bet it's going to be packed," Mai gushed.

  "Yeah, we gotta focus to get this number down." Anzu said.

  "Awe, can't we take a break? We've been at it for hours and poor Yuki's starting to stumble all over herself."

  "I'm fine, promise," Yuki huffed, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead as she moved to the beat.

  "Fine," Anzu pouted, "Five minutes."

  "And you're a staaarrr, when you are magical, fantastical, and movin' your hips to the beat~!" Mai sang, doing a spin and then walking over to her water bottle to chug it down in one swig.

  The dance studio smelled like sweat and dirty socks at this point; all three "girls" were sweating bullets. Yuki broke character and flopped onto the floor with a boyish demeanor, wiping his arm across his forehead. Mai tossed him a water bottle.

  "And I am tireeeddd as I take a drink from this off-brand bottle of water~!" Yuki mocked Mai.

  "You should write a song," Mai jested and Yuki shook her head, back in character again. "You know there's really a difference when you're Yuki and when you're Yugi."

  "That's good, right?" Yuki asked.

  "Of course, are you nervous for the backstage experience? The three tickets are already sold out." Mai said, stretching out her arms and plopping on the floor next to Yuki, "One of them was purchased by the King you know~"

  "He'll be nervous enough without you teasing him," Anzu said, grabbing her own water bottle and drinking it while stretching out her legs.

  "She'll be fine." Mai said, and then winked, "More than fine. Ecstatic. Magical, fantastical-"

  "and movin' your hips to the beat~" Yugi sung along and the two laughed while Anzu pouted.

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