Chapter 2 ~ Going Out

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  They were taking him shopping.

  The two girls didn't seem to acknowledge Yugi's embarrassed banter, as he sat in his new "work outfit" in the backseat of Anzu's car. He pulled the edge of the skirt down over his knees and looked sideways out of the mirror. It was one thing to perform in front of a crowd, it was another to walk around in this getup in public. The girls had done up his makeup and everything, but Yugi was still Yugi, he was scared he'd bump into someone who'd be able to recognize him.

  "We'll just say you're Yugi's long lost sister or something," Mai assured him, "You pass well enough. It's not like any of your friends are really judgmental anyway."

  "Th-that's not the point!" Yugi was exasperated.

  "Sorry," Anzu shrunk in the driver's seat at a red light.

  "Oh, he'll be fine. He's got us to vouch for him," Mai said, and leaned back as the light turned green, "You're gonna be fine, you hear me?"

  "I don't even really know anything about shopping..." Yugi mumbled.

  "You don't have to worry about it, we're all getting matching outfits, we'll just ask you to try things on." Mai elaborated.

  The rest of the drive was filled with Mai's gossip between her and Anzu in the front seats. Yugi shifted nervously in the back, fiddling with the edge of his skirt and glancing in the front mirror at himself every once in a while. He sure wished he had a sister; the girls would've just dragged her around instead.

  The arrived at the mall: a place bustling with shops and customers. Yugi held the end of his skirt looking over at the building as he waited for the two girls to get out of the car.

  "You're gonna tug it all the way off if you keep doing that," Mai jested and Yugi pulled up the elastic back to sit snugly around his waist.

  He followed the girls stiffly, constantly looking around.

  "Come on, someone's gonna think you have a bomb, being shifty like that." Mai said.

  "Calm down, we're all friends here," Anzu tried to assure him.

  Yugi sighed deeply and hopped along to keep up with the long-legged girls as they glanced around from shop to shop. He didn't pay so much attention to names than he did the interior of these shops. He'd never bought much more than the black tank tops, jeans and belts necessary for his school-uniform look.

  He went into shops and spent most of the time in the dressing rooms, coming out every so often to model for Anzu and Mai before one of them went to get their own outfit if they liked it. They also took Yugi around for some casual clothes, they said, for if they had any all-day events or wanted to go on another trip like this.

  He at least had some say in the casual clothes. He got a pastel blue sweater, magenta jean shorts, a couple pairs of assorted stockings, some t-shirts with various designs on them, an orange pair of skinny jeans, and a pair of black vans. He changed into the new jeans and a shirt with a cat on the front in the women's bathroom and came out, relieved to be out of the fashionable yet cumbersome performance getup.

  "Let's go out for icecream," Mai suggested.

  "I'm tired from all this shopping," Anzu sighed as the three walked toward her car in the parking lot.

  "I'd like to go." Yugi said, knowing it would sway her decision since she felt bad for dragging him along, though he felt slightly bad for himself for taking advantage of that fact.

  "Okay," Anzu said, "But you're gonna pay for it, Mai."

  "My pleasure," she said and winked at Yugi.

  The trio's next performance was a week later. Yugi had undergone vigorous training by the two girls to make him fit for a performance where his gig wasn't the fact that he was stumbling all over himself.

  "Hello audience!" Anzu shouted in the empty dance studio as if they were performing for a crowd, "My name is Anzu!"

  "Mai Valentine," Mai said seductively.

  "And Yuki!" Yugi said, pitching his voice up a bit.

  "We need a name," Anzu said, cutting the act and speaking in her usual tone.

  "How about 'The Babes'?" Mai suggested.

  "That doesn't really fit Yuki in." During practice the girls exclusively referred to Yugi as Yuki.

  "How about 'Magician Girls'?" Yuki sheepishly suggested.

  "That's perfect!" Mai said, "After all, we do dress like magician's assistants, even if it's not as provocatively."

  "And the Dark Magician Girl is a Duel Monster Card," Anzu looked over at Yuki.

  "Yeah, I mean, it's pretty popular." Yugi explained.

  "I like it." Anzu beamed, "Hello audience! We are, the Magician Girls!"



  "And Anzu!"

  "As I said, it's perfect." Mai reiterated, crossing her arms.

  "Then we egg on the audience and we perform a song for them. Mai's leading vocals this time. When she starts singing we do the twirl, Yuki."

  Yugi wanted to say he wasn't embarrassed by all this, but he still was. He couldn't help it. He liked it and yet there was a whole world out there who would tell him it was wrong. He shouldn't like wearing dresses or makeup; he shouldn't like dancing and singing like this. Even so, he did, and he wasn't going to hold himself back while the opportunity was laid out in front of him. No one had to know the truth.

  They practiced more in the dance studio until sunset. Yugi was sweating up a storm and the girls laughed with a happy tiredness. Yugi went into the bathroom and washed off all the makeup and got dressed in his usual attire, ready to head back home with his secret life packed into a plastic bag.

  His heart bubbled with excitement for the day after – his second performance, his first prepared performance. He hummed their song as he walked home; the game shop was only a couple blocks down. He passed a guy walking his dog and smiled at himself. No one would know.

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