Chapter 11 ~ Staring at the Ceiling

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  Yugi sprung out of bed and grabbed the phone off the nightstand. Yami's name lit up on the screen and Yugi quickly cleared his throat before answering.

  "Hi Yami," Yugi greeted sweetly and laid back down, staring at the ceiling.

  "Good morning Yuki, sorry if this is early for you."

  Yugi glanced over at the clock on the wall that told him it was 6am. Yes, but he didn't mind, "It's fine...what's up?"

  "I had some time, so I figured I'd give you a call."

  Yugi felt warm, and pressed the phone tightly against his face, "You must be busy a lot."

  "It's not too bad. What about you?"

  "Oh, I usually have a lot of free time. The only things I really do at a game shop...go to practices with Anzu and Mai, and perform when we have shows, of course." Yugi yawned. He was getting comfortable with the female character he was playing, but thinking of himself as Yuki felt strange after his conversation with Mai.

  "What game shop? I'd love to check it out sometime."

  Yugi's eye twitched. He'd said too much. He couldn't come up with a quick enough lie, "Kame Game." Besides, it would do wonders for business if the King of Games endorsed it. They were falling on hard times lately, and his grandfather was a bit old school with the way he ran things, which wasn't helping.

  "Huh. never heard of it."

  "I-it's a bit retro." Yugi mumbled, fiddling with his bangs nervously, "But it's run by an old man and his's small, but a good business." Was he saying too much? What if Yami dropped by and recognized him? His friends surely did, even in costume, and it was proven the other day that someone could realize he was man just as easily.

  "I'll definitely try to support it if it's a small family business like that. Do you know them personally?"

  Yugi closed his eyes nervously, "Yes...they're great people." Not a lie really. He was said grandson.

  "You really seem to surround yourself with good people."

  "I try..."

  "I can't wait to meet your friend Joey. He's still coming with you, yes?"

  "Yeah. He would never turn down an opportunity like this. He's also excited to meet you."

  Yami chuckled, "Most people are."

  "Have you always been so popular?" Yugi grinned.

  "I suppose. What about you? Have you always been so cute?"

  Yugi tensed, "U-um."

  Yami laughed pleasantly on the other end, muttering apologies for putting "Yuki" on the spot. The continued with playful chatter for a while until Yami had to get ready for the day. They parted with fond goodbyes and Yugi felt his heart swell immediately after the call dropped. He hugged the phone to his chest, heat rising on his cheeks. He was absolutely smitten by this charming man, and that was wonderful and terrifying.

  He felt his emotion rise out of his throat in a small sob. His eyes leaked tears and he curled his limbs into himself, crying steadily. He held his breath, willing himself to be calm. It was all so overwhelming and confusing. It would be easier if he were a girl, but did he want to be? Would Yami even accept him that way if he found out Yugi hadn't been a girl in the first place? The steadily building web of lies was eventually going to strangle the life out of him.

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