Chapter 5 ~ Friday Night

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  This was it. The big day. The days leading up to today had felt like years, each one more stressful than the last. Yugi had been on top of his game every practice. Trying his hardest. He practiced pitching his voice every waking moment he was alone. In only a week he felt that even his normal voice sounded a bit higher. He had prepared all that he possibly could without hurting himself to do so.

  But as he stood, standing with Anzu and Mai in the backstage dressing room in full costume, he felt an intense anxiety wrap itself tightly around something in his chest. Anzu tried to be assuring. Mai was dismissive of his feelings but showered him with her confidence. Nothing helped. He tried to focus on his excitement, but that in turn made him more nervous. He tried to focus on Joey, Tristan, and Bakura who might be in the crowd. That made him embarrassed. He was a hot mess.

  "Focus Yuki." Mai suddenly demanded, "Yeah we do this for fun but it is also our job. The people out there, they paid money to see you at your best. Are you gonna give them less than that tonight? Are you going to waste their time?"

  "Mai-" Anzu interjected but Mai held up her hand to silence her.

  "If you're going to make a fool of us we're going to play along and make a fool out of you."

  Yugi stared at Mai and blinked. And blinked again. Then he thought about it. What she was trying to do. Tough love. Scatter the thoughts bubbling in his mind. Focus, Yuki. Yuki grinned.

  "Not if I outshine you, Mai." Yuki said, pitching her voice, feeling her character with a new...confidence.

  Mai beamed, "There she is. Let's kick ass out there tonight."

  Anzu looked at the two of them, seeming confused about what had just happened. But the change in Yugi was welcome, especially since the event host had just started speaking to the audience to announce them. They quickly made their way to the doors leading to the stage.

  When they stepped out, it felt like Yugi was gone. He barely remembered their onstage performance. He remembered the sweltering lights. Joey's voice exceeding the thrill of the crowd, shouting Yuki's name. Yuki didn't reach for the crowd today, but she saw Yami, looking back at her as the crowd swayed.

  Yugi arrived backstage, Mai's spell wearing off. She tossed a washcloth at Yugi's face.

  "Wipe off the sweat quickly. I'll touch up your makeup." Mai said, sounding a bit funny as she talked while reapplying her lipstick.

  Yugi carefully patted his face with the rag, not realizing how much of a sweat he had worked up. He started reapplying some deodorant when Mai rushed over with the makeup.

  Anzu laughed, "Well you don't have to rush that badly. We still have some time before the meet and greet." She worked a comb through her hair, flattening down any strands that had frizzed up from the humidity generated from the performance and the lights.

  Mai grabbed the washcloth and dabbed around Yugi's eyes, "Yes but I want Yuki to be perfect. And she needs some work after a performance."

  "Well, thanks?" Yugi said, not sure if that was entirely endearing statement.

  "You're not used to performing. And you're sweaty as hell. And you're not mindful of your makeup at all. They'll have to clean the lipstick off your mic." Mai sounded condescending but Yugi knew she meant to be encouraging. She just didn't add the part about how it'll get better each performance. She spent the rest of their free time bickering with him about moving too much as she touched up his hair and makeup.

  He downed a water bottle just as a man came in to escort them to the meet and greet. Yugi could feel his heartbeat hammering in his throat.

  Focus, Yuki.

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