Chapter 10 ~ The Buildup

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  The days couldn't pass fast enough. Not to mention the anxiety that stacked upon itself each passing day as the event drew closer. Every time the tournament was advertised on the TV, Yugi would stare and feel his insides twist up. He tried to get comfortable in his clothes, since everyone he regularly saw now knew about Yuki. It was still awkward, but he couldn't let that stop him. The tournament would be just like a performance - except up close and personal, with no singing, and added the purpose of directly impressing his idol. He needed to be comfortable hanging out in a skirt, and that wasn't an easy task for a boy who wore tight pants his whole life.

  He had called Yami back to tell him he had invited Joey, but cut the conversation short due to his nerves. He hoped Yami hadn't gotten the wrong idea, since he had made an excuse about why he couldn't talk longer, but Yugi wasn't exactly sure how good he was at lying.

  It had been about three days since that call, and Yugi had busied himself outside of dance practice with Mai and Anzu to go out in public as much as possible, fully crossdressing. It was more comfortable than he thought it would be and nobody really seemed to pay him any mind.

  Do I really look that feminine? Yugi thought absently to himself, graciously accepting his coffee from the barista. He was currently out with Mai grabbing coffee. Everyone around was consumed in conversation with their friends, on their phones, or laptops they had brought since the shop offered free wifi. Yugi hurried back to sit with Mai.

  She was taking an absent sip of her tall plastic cup of iced coffee and scrolling through her phone. Yugi delicately sat and wrapped both hand around his smaller drink, a green matcha frappuccino. She glanced up at him and smiled gently.

  "You're so cute, you know? You've naturally got that kind of girlish charm." She gushed quietly.

  Yugi visibly shrunk and firmly placed his mouth over the straw, taking a long drink in hopes she'd drop the subject. It was embarrassing enough that he was passing for a girl with just some makeup and a skirt.

  "Hey ladies," Yugi glanced up to see a guy had approached their table. He was fairly handsome with a neat crop of dark hair and golden brown eyes, wearing a dark blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The shirt had faint white dots. Yugi quickly averted his gaze and hoped to look shy - because he was.

  "Hi cutie," Mai gushed and Yugi noticed the different way she had said it to this guy than she had said it to him. Mai leaned forward, holding her hand out to the guy, "Mai Valentine."

  She was strange, in Yugi's mind. She was so smart and talented and confident, but didn't shy away from using her...assets to lure in men. He could see the edge of her bra with the way she was leaning and he decided to pretend to be intensely interested in his frappe.

  The guy laughed taking her hand, "Is that some sort of line?"

  Mai pouted her lip and quickly withdrew back into her seat, folding one leg over the other and crossing her arms across her chest, "Don't like my name?"

  He shook his head, giving a more nervous laugh, "Of course not, it suits you." He turned to Yugi, "And you are?"

  Mai frowned sincerely this time, "Not going to introduce yourself first?"

  "Ah, sorry. Syo is my name."

  Yugi's eyes burned into his drink. He really didn't want to talk to this jerk, and this jerk seemed to be interested in him, not Mai.

  "She's Yuki." Mai said flatly and returned her focus on her phone and took a sip of her coffee.

  Is she stranding me???

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