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4 days until the concert
Tyler's P.O.V

I looked at Y/N, scared and horrified. Her stomach had three large gashes underneath her rib cage, which was oddly visible. Was she eating normally? She also had bleeding cuts all over her belly. A paramedic looks at me. "Do you know what happened, sir?" She asks. "No. She was just sitting against the tree, nearly unconscious. There were some men around her, one was holding her shirt, the other with a pocket knife. I don't know how, or when she got those small scabs on her stomach. I assume the 3 large cuts were from the pocket knife guy." I explain, trying not to cry. "Thank you. We'll ask her more once she's awake." I nod. I hold her hand and kiss it gently. "I love  you, Y/N." I say under my breath.

{depressing time skip}

Y/N starts moving. We're at the hospital. Josh is sitting next to me in a  chair by the hospital bed. "Wh-where am I?" She asks. "We're at the hospital. Don't worry." I say, standing up to go hold her hand to comfort her. "H-how did you find me? Did you see?.." She looks me dead in the eye. "I heard you scream so I came running. I saw you without a shirt, yes but I wasn't really thinking of that. Are you okay? Any pains anywhere?" I ask, speaking a mile a minute. "I-I'm fine.. But will I still be able to go to the concert?" She whines. "Of course." I smile. "Can I have my phone? Did you get it or is it still there?" She questions. "I got it." Josh hands her the phone. "Thanks, Josh." She hugs him. Y/N turns her phone on and looks surprised. "Wow I didn't think Jenna would worry this badly." She notices.

Your P.O.V

I turn my phone on to find a bunch of messages from Jenna. I go to the text app to read her texts.
J(enna): How was it?
J: are you on your way back?
J: Y/N? Call me
J: Where are you?
J: I'll call you
J: Why didn't you answer?
J: Helloo?
J: I'm going to bed. Text me when you get back.
M(e): Hey. Sorry I didn't answer before I wasn't awake. I'll be back in a few days maybe. I'm in the hospital
J: What happened?!
M: long story. wanna come? Josh can pick you up
J: Sure. Thanks.
"Um, Josh? Could you pick up Jenna from the apartment?" I ask, scared for some reason. "Alright! Now?" He responds. "Please?" I grin. He nods and gets up. A doctor enters quickly after Josh leaves. "Hello, Miss. L/N. Are you feeling fine?" He asks. "Yes, but I was wondering about when I'd be able to leave." I ask, anxious to know whether or not I could go to the concert. "Ah yes. In 2 days. Alright?" He replies. I nod. "I'm just gonna check out your cuts, if that's fine." He looks at me. "Okay." I respond. Tyler glances at me, and I smile. The doctor starts inspecting the cuts, that I didn't realize were that bad. He pokes at the skin, moving it around slightly, before placing the blanket back where it was on my body. "They're healing well. Nothing looks too bad. No infections. You should be able to go home in two days, as I said." He informs me, then leaves. "Tyler?" I squeak out. He looks at me and comes closer. "I'm really thankful for you doing all this for me. I really appreciate it." I hug him tightly, feeling as if when I let go, he'd turn to dust. He strokes my back lightly. I pull away and stare into his eyes. He looks back into mine. I hold his hand with both of mine and snuggle into his shoulder. "I love you." I mumble, quietly so he can't hear me. I hear him murmur something but I push it away. I enjoy the silence and Tyler starts singing.
'I feel for you but when did you believe you were alone?
You say that spiders crawled inside and made themselves a home.'
He sings, softly. I sing along quietly.
'Friend, please remove your hands
From over your eyes for me.
I know you want to leave but
Friend, please don't take your life away from me.'
"Please don't." I add quietly. He chuckles and nods. "Will you do the same?" He questions me. I nod. We hear a knock at the door and somebody opens the door. Jenna walks in with Josh. She smiles sadly. "Are you okay, Y/N? Josh told me a bit of what happened. Wanna tell me more?" She asks, hugging me. "Okay." I say. "We arrived at the park and we drove to the pond area. I went into the forest and started climbing one of the trees, when a group of men appear at the bottom." I pause to catch my breath and stop the tears threatening to spill out. "The wind picked up causing the branch I was sitting on to snap, so I fell down to the next one, causing a bruise to form." I explain the rest. Jenna bites her lip hard and hugs my tightly but gently if that made any sense. Tyler looks at me, with eyes wide and teary.

Tyler's P.O.V

I stare at Y/N, my eyes watering and wide. I can't believe I was so stupid as to leave her alone. I should of thought this stuff through. 'You idiot. Thinking about yourself only. Go die.' The voice inside me screams. I shove it away and focus on Y/N. It was time for visitors to leave but I was the exception. Y/N got up unsteadily and grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the bed. She uses the control panel to lower the bed to my level. She snuggles up against me, wanting to get as close to me as possible. I understand why. She felt safer I guess.

Yay starting to get romantic. If you notice any mistakes just tell me because I usually write these at midnight so I'm not fully awake. Until next time, stay alive, frens. |-/

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