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Your P.O.V

I got my shoes and jacket on and unlocked the door. We all walked out and I closed the door behind Jenna. I lock it and race to the door. "Haha I got here first!" I laugh maniacally and open the door to the stairs before flying down them. I hear Tyler laugh and chase after me. I squeal and run faster. He tackles me and we both go crashing to the ground. We look at each other and burst into laughter. "Come on, lovebirds. Let's go get breakfast." Jenna teases us. I blush and Tyler has a red face, like mine. I link arms with Josh and Tyler and start skipping. Jenna joins and we look at each other and smirk. "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!" We sing. Josh stifles a laugh then face palms. Tyler opens the front door and I thank him, followed by Jenna then Josh. "Okay, we have to keep walking forward, to St. Huebert, then turn left. After that.." I start. They look at me confused. "Y'know what just follow me." I laugh. They nod and I walk with Jenna, Tyler and Josh being behind us. I start humming Migraine and Jenna hums along. Josh drums against Tyler's shoulder and Tyler does a nice harmony. I change my pitch so it's lower, Jenna's is normal, and Tyler's is higher. We finish the song and clap for each other. "That was glamorous." Tyler says sassily. "Mmhmm!" Josh, Jenna and I snap our fingers. "Okay turn left." I command. The sidewalk widens so Josh and Tyler walk beside us. Jenna moves herself so I'm at the edge and Tyler is next to me. He grabs my hand and strokes it lightly. "People will see.. You aren't really unknown now." I mumble.  He lets go. "Sorry..." He murmurs. I look at him, he looked sad. I kiss his cheek quickly. He looks at me shocked. "Right." I simply say. We turn right like a marching band. (*plays G note*) "Oh there it is!" Jenna exclaims. We start racing each other and Tyler ends up winning. "No fair! Tyler is tall and skinny, and I haven't ran since middle school!" I whine. They all laugh. "ME!" Josh agrees. He holds the door for us. "Thank you, Joshua." I curtsie. "You're welcome, Y/N." He replies, bowing. We wait to be seated at the front. An obviously gay man starts walking towards us. "Heyy! How are you? You're seats are right.. There!" He explains. Then leads us to a booth by the back. "Thank you." We all say in unison. "Yeah! No problem!" He smiles. We obviously all have the same thoughts. 'I've never met such an annoying gay person.' We sit down and check out the menu. After a few minutes the guy comes back. "Soo do you know what you wannt?" He asks. "Mmhmm. Could I have the Three Cheese Omelette and a Power Burst smoothie?" I ask. He nods. "And you, hottie?" He winks at Josh. He looks uncomfortable. I sigh loudly and deeply. "Do you want something, sweetie?" He looks at me. I shake my head. "I'd like the Popeye and Strawberry Flambé." Josh says. "Okay, babe. And you, lovely?" The waiter asks Tyler. "The Good Morning, please." He writes that down and skips over Jenna. "Uh excuse me?" I ask. He ignores me. "Hey, gay guy?" I say louder. Tyler smirks. I get up and start walking towards him. "Hey. You forgot somebody at my table." I tell him. "I didn't, sweetheart." He sasses me. "Really? You wanna bet?" I raise my eyebrow. He groans and walks back to our table. "Whadd'ya want?" He asks Jenna rudely. "Oh, could I please have the Strawberry and English Cream crepe?" She asks. He scribbles it on and walks away. Tyler's phone buzzes. "Oh, Josh we gotta go at 11:45." Ty tells Josh. "Okie dokes." He replies. After about ten minutes, Josh and Tyler's food arrive. "If you let me try those, you can try mine." I tell them. They shrug and give me a bite of their food. "O-oh my god that is wonderful." I inform them. They start digging in and collapse at how good it was. Jenna and my food arrive shortly after and I try my omelette and oh my god, kill me it is so delicious. I take a sip of me smoothie. Shoot me, I could die it's stupendous. "Pay up." Tyler reminds me. I lean back and raise my arms to let Tyler get a sip and a bit of my food. He leans on my shoulder. "That's amazing." He looks at me happily. Josh bends over the table and tries it. "Woah!! That's way better than what I thought." He laughs. I try Jenna's crepe and she tries my smoothie. "Wow.." I say, at loss of words. Jenna's reaction is the same. A waitress walks by. "How's the food? Anything wrong?" She asks. We violently shake our heads. "It's fantastic." We tell her. She grins. She takes the empty plates and cutlery then leaves.

~yummy breakfast time skip~

After breakfast we pay and start walking back to the apartment. "It's 11. We have to get to the Metropolis by 11:30. We should get going. We'll see you two tonight. Get there an hour early, you'll get the best spots at the front." Tyler suggests. We thank them and hug. Jenna and I enter the building and race to the apartment room. "I beat you!" She cheers. I laugh and unlock the door. We play a bunch of games to pass the time. Then sit down at the couch and watch Community. Our legs tangle together and I rest my head on her shoulder. "Oh! So I kissed Tyler's cheek." I tell her. She gasps and pauses the episode. "No way! How did you do it?!" She asks me, sitting up. "We were holding hands and I told him not to because people could see, so then he let go but looked sad so I quickly kissed him." I explain to her. "Y/N, yes!" She cheers. "Are you still gonna ask him out later?" I pause for a few seconds, then nod. She squeals and hugs me. "I ship it so hard." She states. "Let's pic out an outfit for you, yeah?" She asks, although it's more of a command. We get up and head to my room. "Okie dokie. What do you have?" She looks through my shirts. "Ooh! That!" I point at one of my tøp shirts. She places it on my bed then goes to my closet to find pants. She finds a pair of blue skinny jeans with ripped designs on the knees then bends down to the closet floor to find a pair of shoes. She gets out my black combat boots and places them next to my bed. "Oh I have the perfect hat." I walk to my dresser and pull out my twenty one pilots beanie. "Perfect! Go change!" She says, then exits the room. I pull of my shirt and pants and throw on the outfit Jenna and I chose. "Boom." I twirl for her and she claps. "Wonderful! Tyler will love it." She tells me.

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. I may or may not have forgotten my phone in school and not have a chapter written. Do you three people that read this want me to write about the concert or nah? Please tell me lmao. Also would you be fine with smut later on? Until next time, stay alive, frens. |-/

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