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To Mrs. J.K. Rowling

For encouraging readers to write. For giving the world unforgettable stories. For creating flawed characters that the reader can identify with. You have a heart of gold, and the mind of a genius. Thank You for giving us Harry Potter.

A story that will not die until the reader lets it. A story is just words without readers and meaning. Millions of people love your work, I am just a speck compared to all of the readers who enjoyed your work, and let a piece of Harry flourish with in them.

You encouraged readers to be themselves. You taught us that it doesn't matter what people think if you with Luna. With Severus you taught us how mistakes can ruin you, and little bit of background can change someone's enemy to their best friend. You taught us not to judge. You taught us to be brave. Your characters, even the most hated taught us lessons that would have been difficult to learn other wise.

Your words give us light in the darkest of times. This is why J.K Rowling you are our Queen of Hogwarts. This story has effected my life, and the lives of many others. We Love You, and are forever in your debt. Thank You so much Jo for everything you bring us.

You are an amazing person, and an amazing writer. You fight for what is right even when it isn't easy.

Thanks for being

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Thanks for being. Our hero. Our queen. Our little perfection.

Harry potter is real for us JK. Thank You For Giving Us Harry Potter! Thanks for trusting the fans with your story. Harry is all grown up now, and will live on as long as we let the story continue.


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