Chapter 6 Part 3: Moony's Memories

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Remus-J-Lupin thanks for being an avid reader. Hope you enjoy the eulogy given by our beloved Mooney

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."

― Haruki Murakami,
Kafka on the Shore

Remus Lupin's Eulogy:

I met both James and Lily in school. We were all Gryffindors. The Marauders, what James, two other friends and I, called our group were the schools troublemakers. We were always playing pranks and loved to have a good laugh, usually at my expense. Apparently I have to lighten up.

I do remember playing a few good pranks back on James though. I vividly remember  the time we dyed his hair silver and Slytherin green for a week, and every time he tried to change the charm would transfer to his other clothes. The best one was the time we turned his robes into a navy blue muggle prom dress with silver trim with a sweetheart neckline. That was funny, even though it was short lived. Prongs, I think you actually looked better in that dress than those robes anyway. I so wish I got a picture of that. Those were some good times. That was back when we were carefree and there was no war. Everything was so peaceful and fun when we were kids. When all we had to worry about was homework and Peeves. Those were the good old days, when we were all together, and got along like friends should.

I also will forever remember are last meal in the Great Hall. Someone in our Marauder group started a giant food fight and, it turned out to an all out war in less than five minutes with all of the students and even a few of the teachers participating. That I think was the messiest thing we ever did, but it was cool seeing everyone working together, how things should have been all along. I don't think one person in the Great Hall walked out with out having food in there hair, or just looking like a complete disaster. I admit that was the most fun I had in that hall. That is what memories are made of. It was even worth it having everyone clean the great hall with only a toothbrush. That was the schools first detention with all of the students, we made Hogwarts history. I won't disclose who started that because I still think a few of our professors will find a way to punish us even after all these years, especially Minerva, as she had it the worst off. Your lion cubs always love you Minnie, even if we did make your hair turn a lighter shade of grey.

Anyways James and I were close. All of The Marauders were. We always were looking out for each other. Detentions were always better with your friends and, I remember taking the fall for a few of the pranks James pulled just so he could go to Quidditch practice. Gryffindor needed its star chaser after all.

I remember in our 3rd year I tolled them of a little recocurring furry problem and they immediately started researching how they can help me, or at least be with me when it happened. James was the first to succeed[it was end of 4th year, everyone else took longer, year 5(Padfoot)and six(Wormtail.)],He was the best in Transfiguration after all. What I am talking about was becoming animagi so he could stay with me. James' animagus was a stag. The other Marauders I think they eventually succeed and were if I remember correctly a they were large black dog, and a rat. I was afraid of telling them my secret, but they were there for me like always. They were the closest thing I had to brothers and Lily was like my big sister even though she is technically younger than me. She was wise with the energy of a jack rabbit at times. I learned the hard way never give Lily chocolate, she does not need any more sugar in that blood.

I didn't know Lily well. I knew James has had a major crush on her since second year and was repeatedly denied until one day she said yes. One of her friends told me even though she was crushing on him in fifth year, but she still said "no" because she didn't want to change her answer from the simple two letter word to a word with three letters. Apparently no was an easier answer and she was "protecting her pride." Lily also wanted to make sure before she said "yes" that he wasn't a jerk because enough people are mean and she didn't want to be with somebody who could be so mean, and break her heart. If James ever did that he would pay for that, and I can't imagine what that would be like.

Letting Lily Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें