Chapter 6 Part 4: Remembering Love

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"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it."
-Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember

Severus Snape's Eulogy:

As a lot of you know James and I didn't particularly get along. You might even go as far to say that we despised each other. James was constantly teasing me, and I realize now why that was. It was because I had Lily and she was denying to be his girlfriend. She called him a git, a bully and many other names that I admit I called him too. Eventually, James finally grew up even if it was later than most of society. He won Lily's heart and saved my life in our fifth year. I am thankful to be standing here all those years later even when it doesn't feel completely right. James the man who saved me and my best friend are dead and I'm here. I admit even though James saved my life I still don't particularly care for him. The real reason I am here today is for Lily.

The truth is I loved Lily. She saved me on numerous occasions. From protecting me from James to helping me with many personal matters. She was my savior, and closest companion.

Lily has taught me many lessons over the years. One of the most important lessons she taught me was goodbyes are not forever, they are just a goodbye until you can say hello again. She taught me this when we had a fight and she said goodbye to me and then she forgave me. Lily was always incredible forgiving.

Lily I believe is my guardian angel and I will never forget her, or the kindness she showed me throughout our childhood. She was brave, uncommonly kind and forgiving. We stayed friends through all of the ruff patches in life. Nobody stayed with me as long as Lily, and she knew when I needed her.

Lily unlike James, or I for that matter, she didn't care about house prejudice. She didn't care that I was a Slytherin and herself a Gryffindor. It's like a unspoken rule between the houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin, to hate each other, but Lily and I broke that rule more times than I care to count. What our houses don't like to admit is we are similar than we think and we stand stronger together. Lily brought everyone closer together, it was a gift she had.

She was an incredible friend and baker. I'm surprised nobody mentioned her baking ability, but maybe she only baked for me. She would always make me a cake for my birthday, or send me cookies on Christmas. Her baking goods were heavenly, and besides her unique personality, and our friendship I think I will miss that the most.

When I was with her it seemed like time stopped. It seemed like our friendship would last for infinity, and it did. Infinity is made out of little moments, Lily gave me a little infinity in the numbered days. Even when I did the unforgivable we still stayed in touch.

She made me happy,was my only true friend and as I learned in defense class in our fourth year is my patronus. James' was a stag and ours were a does. I still have no idea what it means exactly, all I know is that we have the same patronus. I didn't actually think that could happen, but it did. Magic does crazy things sometimes. The only guess I have is Lily is my happiest memory, and she is a doe. So my patronus, protector, is her, and always was no matter what.

I am not standing here to tell you that James could be a royal git at times, or that Lily was the kindest person you would ever meet, as I'm sure most of you know that already. I don't want to beat a dead horse, for I'm sure you all want to go home and grieve in private.

I am here today remember my best friend. My only true friend actually. Lily such with me through it all and I thought if one person was immortal it would be Lily. I thought perfection never died, but she did.

Lily was gentle and kind. Caring for all creatures great, as small. I guess she was needed more where ever she is now than she was here with us and her son. Sadly nothing lasts forever,even the things you really want to like love and friendship. Lily today I am here to thank you for our little infinity. I will always remember you. You changed my life for the better. Thank you.

And that was all they heard. I also softly whispered "I love you Lily,I'm sorry" before I stepped down from the podium.

Remus' POV

That filthy Slytherin Snape is here? He despised James. Why would he be here? Then I remember some people are here for Lily also.

I didn't know Snivellus actually could be nice and show compassion. It is odd for me to see him speaking with out his usual sneer on his face.

I understand now why Lily was mad when we bullied Snape. They were friends. They broke the sacred code between the lions and the snakes. They knew each other since they were kids, and prejudice isn't as important as friendship.

My sensitive wolf ears hear a few surprising words come from Snape's mouth as he walks quickly away from the podium. He said "I love you Lily. I'm sorry."

I must have heard wrong, but I doubt I did. My senses are rarely wrong. Why was Snape sorry and if he loved Lily why was he so mean to her at times? If he loved her, why did he let her go?

Snape's POV(Original POV)

I guess I didn't do to bad. My voice only faltered once. Minerva looks proud and everyone, but Lupin is crying. Lupin looks to be trying to figure something out,what though I have no idea.

I sit back down and Minerva whispers in my ear. "That was beautiful Severus. Thank You for doing that. Just wanted to let you know I am there for you if you need to talk."She said quickly before sitting back.

"I'm there for you to Minerva. All you have to do is ask and I'll be there, just don't expect me to start being nice to your lions. I don't do nice and I have a reputation to up hold you know."I said loud enough so only she could hear me.

The minister started to speak,he thanked all of the speakers,and then said something surprising. "I would like to end this funeral with a few songs to remind us of the deceased. Feel free to sing along."

Then muggle music started playing from an unknown source. Sometimes, I just love Magic!

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