Chapter 8 Part 3: My Birthday

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On January 9th 1960, Snape was born. A half blood to an abusive muggle father and a young, scared pure blood witch who was disowned by her parents. Born at the wrong time in all of there lives Severus was abused and hated. His mother loved him but didn't know how to properly care for him. This brought on a life of solitude and sadness to Snape. Lily was the only one who cared for his birthday and loved him. To Severus she was the only one who mattered.


My birthdays have always been a lonely occasion. What's so special about birthdays anyway? I didn't get that answer until I met Lily.

Lily explained to me one day that birthdays " are not about the day you were born, for that happened once. This is the anniversary of this day, but also more. Birthdays signify the beginning. A hopeful beginning, and new beginnings are celebrated. That's why we celebrate birthdays. Cake, and presents are just added bonuses."

I see others celebrating and loathe them for having the love I never had, but deserved. Lily was the only one who cared and now that she is gone I am celebrating alone. Every year Lily tries to do something for my birthday. Make me feel wanted and special. She cared and now I am alone in a world full of greedy gits who only care for themselves.

Before Lily's death my birthdays were alright. She would make me a cake and congratulate me for living another year and wish me many more happy ones. She wished me a life full of quantity and quality. Even after our fight she would make a point to send me a note saying she is sorry not to be there and how she still wants to be friend, but they can't be close and send some delicious vanilla cake product with light blue frosting. Without her I'm just feel old, even though I am only twenty-two. She made my life special. Now I only have my potions and Snakes to protect. I can't cry because I have work. I will channel my emotions into my work like usual these days.

Later that night I was sitting in my quarters drinking and thinking about my life. Thinking about how my life would have been without Lily and what she would be doing now if she was alive. Would she be proud that I'm moving on or Sad that I'm living life without her? I miss her and hope I'm making her proud.

I quietly celebrate another year of life and think. Suddenly a vanilla cake with blue frosting popped in. Thanks Lily! I can get this party started. I take a small slice and take a bite. Delicious, but not her best work. Then I remember Lily couldn't have possibly sent it because she died almost three months before.
I put the slice down and stare at the cake. The dead can't bake, it's an impossibility of our reality.

"Who could have known about this?" I think to myself knowing this isn't from Lily, but it is her recipe and the baker not quiet match to Lily's baking.

"ALBUS!" My mind screams as it clicks.

I share cake with him every year due to its massive diameter. He must have had a house elf send it. How dare he toy with my emotions like this!

I know Albus was trying to make a good gesture and help me celebrate, but why did he have to do this now? This is just too soon. I might have appreciated it before, but he did this too sneakily. He really should have been a snake. That sneaky little bastard!

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