Chapter 3: Cats, Lily and Forever

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"There are not enough days in forever to allow me to fully express the depth of my love for you."
- Steve Maraboli

Lily Potter was my true was the only person I ever cared about. I walk up the stairs in her home in Godric's Hallow with the hope that this is just a nightmare, or some sick joke of Dumbledore's. Lily can't be dead, she just can't be. She can't die.I never got to apologize to her.I never got to tell her my real feelings for her. I need Lily. She is my best friend, and I can't lose her before she is found again.

Every step I take the hope that the love of my life has survived diminishes a bit. Don't give up hope. There still is a chance that she is alive,even if it is a slim one. I reach the top of the stairs and walk through the only open door. The door lead to the nursery covered in rubble. Lily would never have let something get this dirty. Reality is catching up to me by the second.

I hear a surprising sound. A baby? The Potter brat was supposed to be dead. How on the planet earth did he manage to survive? Voldemort was only after the boy and somehow the boy lived.I will protect him for Lily's sake and for James' debt...Mostly for Lily. I will protect him for Lily. I will do almost anything for Lily. Wow,she really had me wrapped around her little finger,didn't she.

I turn my head and see Lily. She was lying on the ground with her hair wild around her is in the shape of a halo. Even in death she looks like an angel. My angel. I gently pick up her torso and gently rock her back and forth. She still smells like Jasmine and Cinnamon. Always Jasmine and Cinnamon.

Flashback(to first year)

"Hi Lils" Snape says affectionately. Embracing Lily.

"Hey Sev" greeted Lily, returning his hug.

I usually don't hug, but when she is upset, physical affection usually calms her down. While hugging I can't help to smell her hair, it's intoxicating. Jasmine. Her hair has always smells like Jasmine. It's a comforting smell and always seems to calm me down.(The cinnamon must be her body lotion)

"You seem upset Lily, what's wrong? "asked a concerned Severus.

"It's just someone called me a mudblood. I asked Remus what it meant and he told looked ready to kill whoever called me it. I didn't tell him because I didn't want to cause trouble. I really don't feel like I belong Sev. Nobody appreciates my intelligence, and I always am out of place. Everything from my blood status, to my fiery hair sets me apart." explained Lily.

She started to cry. "It's okay Lily. You'll always have me. We can be different together. Nobody really appreciates me either. Only you Lily. You're the best in our year. This fact shows us that magical heritage is not important. If it was as important as everyone thinks muggleborns are you would be as dimwitted as Goyle, and Malfoy would be the smartest wizard that ever lived. I am only a half blooded, Headmaster Dumbledore and Voldemort are both half bloods and they are two of the most powerful wizards of our time...You're always there for me, so let me be there for you. "Snape stated wanted to protect Lily.

"Thank you Sev. You are an awesome friend. "Said Lily

"Now who called you that?"Sev asked already guessing the answer.

"Lucius Malfoy and his stupid body guards. I know there in your house I really don't want to cause you any trouble."

"I don't care what house they're in. I'm still hexing them. Nobody insults you Lily. Especially not in front of me. I most likely will have to serve detention but it'll be so worth it. Malfoy's a git. I've actually wanted to hex him."

"Sev, I don't want you to get into trouble. "Said Lily trying to persuade him to do nothing.

"Lily, I'm hexing Malfoy and that's final. "Severus Stated.

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