Chapter 4: What If We Try Again?

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I got up from the lunch table and everyones eyes followed me until I exited out the door. I ran down the hallway and made a right where I saw Connor turn. He was headed for the front door.

"Hey!" I yelled to him but he kept walking. "Connor! Wait up!" He stopped right in front of the door and turned around. 

"What?" He questioned coldly. 

"Where are you going? You can't just leave school..." 

"Watch me." He said and opened the door. He stepped out and held the door open, "Are you coming with me or not?"

I looked at him uncertain and hesitantly walked outside with him. He grabbed my wrist and we ran across the parking lot to an old fence. We climbed over it and we were now in a wooded area. We ran through the woods until we came to a small creek. 

"I want you to like me." I heard Connor say as he walked up next to me while playing with a leaf. 

"Why? Why are you trying so hard?" 

"Because...I know it sounds bad, but you're the only girl who's ever actually said no to me." 

"That's not hard for me to believe at all." I laughed and kicked some leaves up as we walked along to the trickle of the creek. 

I heard Connor sigh and he dropped the leaf that he had been playing with. It swayed down to the ground, "That's the thing. You see me as some band guy who has no respect but I do respect you. When you look at me you see rumors, don't you?" He asked and I looked down at my feet. "You do." 

"It's just..." I started to say.

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear, Alex." He told me and a water droplet fell onto his blonde hair and down to the tip of his bangs. We both looked up through the trees and noticed raindrops falling. Typical Orlando weather. I grabbed his hand and pulled him along through the woods quickly. By the time we were out of the woods we were running through a torrential downpour. 

"This way!" He yelled through the sound of the rain and pulled me down a street where most of the wealthier kids at my school lived. We ran down a driveway and came to a red door. Connor pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked it. We walked inside and the smell of a sugar cookie candle filled my nose. The house was warm and comforting. 

"Um, well, this is my house...." Connor trailed off walking towards the staircase in front of us. I stood there on the doormat as water dripped off my clothes. I stuck a piece of wet hair behind my ear and looked up at him and smiled. 

"It's nice." I replied and he smiled. I watched as he walked upstairs. When he got to the top step he turned around and looked down at me. 

"Are you coming?" He asked and I slowly walked up the stairs admiring the photos of all three boys  that went up the wall. 

I followed Connor into a navy blue bedroom with guitars hung on the wall. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out clothes. I turned in circles admiring how much his room showed who he was. The guitars on the wall, the studio in the corner, the big speakers, it all represented who he was. I turned around and came face to face with Connor. Our faces only inches apart. I could feel his breath on my lips and then he quickly backed away. 

"Here's some shorts and a tshirt. The bathrooms right there." He said pointing towards a door on one of the walls. 

I walked into his bathroom and changed. When I came back out he was just slipping his shirt over his head. Chills ran through me but then suddenly disappeared. 

"So...." He said.

"So...." I replied. An awkward silence filled the room. 

We both knew that this situation was wierd. I hated him and he knew it. He liked me and I knew it. Now, we were both trapped in his house alone until the storm passed or atleast until Riley and Toby got home from school. 

"Um...we could uhh watch a movie or something." He suggested. "Or eat something, you know, if you're hungry. I'm kind of hungry. Are you hungry?" He asked all in one breath. 

I smiled at how nervous he was and nodded my head. He smiled and led me back downstairs to the kitchen. 

"There's easy mac?" He suggested opening the pantry. 

"That's fine." I said and he got them both ready and popped them into the microwave. 

When they were done we both sat down at the table across from eachother and ate in silence. Everytime Connor would look up at me I could feel it. I smiled to myself. I felt different. The hatred feeling I had was starting to go away. He was growing on me and that's what I hated. 

"What if we try again?" I said.

He looked up from his easy mac and knit his eyebrows together, "Try what again?" 

"Our date." 

"You said it wasn't a date." 

"Let's make it one." 

He smiled, "After school, tomorrow."

"Sounds good. As long as we're not in detention for skipping today." I said and we both laughed. 

"Want to watch a movie now?" He asked and I agreed. We both headed back upstairs to his room and plopped down on his bed, a foot of space seperating us. 

A/N: Here's a chapter! Enjoy. It might get a little steamy in the next chapter. It was bound to happen the title is "First Time" what did you expect to happen? Comment and Vote....

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