Training area/Arena

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As I walked through his ship, which he hasn't told me the name for, I studied the layout of this ship as much as I could, keeping in mind his lower-formed henchmen which are called, 'Vehicons'. While also judging the ship.

I was thinking about leaving this scrap heap and take my chances outside the ship until I remembered my hands were bound. God if Megatronus was here, he'd be giving me lectures about me falling so low to be captured. I smiled a little bit at the picture, though the smile if some caught it. Might have been one a maniac smiles. Though I was probably insane, I said nothing about it as we got to his, 'training area' which I might be calling an arena.

Though they used holograms to practice on. The holograms being the Vehicons. Some fought each other in duels or to sort out some other boring conflicts. While some watching, had turned to see the two of them walk in. I hated to be stared at so as soon as they saw my eyes they quickly turned back to the duels happening before them.

Though he expected me to be weak, possibly extremely tired to go back into recharge mode. I felt the exact opposite. Though these bindings don't allow me to access my weapons, I'll be ready to destroy Megatron when the time comes. But for now, I need these binds off, so I asked, "If I'm going to fight, I need these bindings taken off of me. Only if it's your wish, my Lord." Though I said it with meaning, the meaning had no actual meaning to them. Not many pick up on it but if they did they'd ignore me completely. Like Megatron has just now done. Damn.

Atleast I know that there's enemies I can properly fight, I heard someone named 'Optimus Prime' from Starscream. But I wondered where Barricade or Brawl was at this time. Though they don't remember me, I remember them well. Damned betrayers. Though they did save my life on very few occasions, I personally think they left me in the dirt. Never-the-less we finally stopped at an empty box-like arena where I felt my bonds break off- or more like dissapear -I summoned a few small knives at my side with a small dagger. (Elvish. Because Elves are elegant and needs to be shown with daggers!)

I thought I'd just be fighting a few of the holograms of the Vehicons when he stepped into it and beckoned me in after. I for one, am always hesitant when I'm beckoned inside of something. But when it's a fight, I'm a bit over-hesitant to start it.

I walked in, hands open and near my weapons and stood to the opposite side of where Megatron was placed at. Then of course. EVERY SINGLE DAMNED MECH HAD TO STOP WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND WATCH OUR FIGHT.

God that's worse enough, I focused on Megatrons moves, predicting how fast he would be, what he's use as weapons. So slowly, tension built, as we stared at each other and slowly walked past each other in a predatory circle. Hungry for a first kill upon the weaker one...

Anticipation grew from our on-lookers as a 0.5 silence took and he striked first.I twisted one way away from his punch followed by his kick he brought around. I jumped over him, doing two flips in the air and landing behind him. He wasn't playing light anymore. He kicked backwards towards me where I just barely dodged and he brought out his sword. I brought out my elvish dagger to block his sword. The speed, even his power I didn't even begin to imagine. Possibly 2/3 of Megatronus's own power.

I didn't let this deter me as he left a small, almost unnoticeable opening in his attacks that were quite powerful. I had to bring out my damned shield to block some of his blows. I missed a good fight like this. I can't and I will not bow to this mech. I hid my wings as much as I could, as I knew how fragile they'd be after a long recharge. I once again, jumped into the air and tried to Drop-kick Megatron in his face. I skidded away only to reveal I dented Megatrons arm. This is gonna hurt for me...

he brought out his cannon, trying to fire at me, while I did every single maneuver in my database to ignore being scratched or dented. I had to shapeshift my feet into talons to even cling to the roof and hide in the darkness so he won't hit me. I had to change into offensive which would be my draconic form.

I heard him call, "Come down here, prey. Reveal yourself so I may kill you..."

I replied,"I'm right here, Megatron." Jumping down from my perch on the roof, with a scythe on my back,claws, talons even a proper helm in the shape of a dragon and I looked I was not to be trifled with with it, I was only a head taller than Megatron but still impressive with my black talons and all.

Megatron merely said, "Very well, there can only be one second-in-command on this ship and it's Starscream. So you'll have to fight him for the position."

I replied, "Of course, but firstly: Do you forfeit the fight?"

I got my Scythe in one of my hands, making it stationary. The Vehicions, mechs, and every other thing was watching, waiting for the fight to go on and to see Megatron win. Waiting to call his name for victory.

He said, "I wouldn't call it a forfeit... we'll continue this fight some other time..." then he yelled, "STARSCREAM!"

I thought Starscream was still in the Medical area as he ran to our arena looking puffed out and said, "I thought you needed... medical... assistance..."

I knew he took my appearance in and already knew what Megatron wanted him to do. He looked really awkward and didn't want to fight me. I smiled broadly. Something Starscream saw and wanted to run immediately away. As Megatron merely said, "Wraith here said that she wants to fight you for your position as second-in-command. Don't expect her to go easy."

Megatron then walked out and then watched the fight about to unfold.

Starscream, walked in nervously he walked to the other end of the arena from my side. (Right) and I asked him, "Tell me Starscream, you can just easily give up your position and I'll let you live." But I knew no one gives up Second-In-Command easily as that, even in battles. So I made sure I got my sharpest scythe out, awaiting for his reply along the lines of, 'no, Second-in-Command is my position, I'll die before giving you the position' but instead I got.

"Take the position, just so long as I don't spend one more second near you wretched creature."

That set it off as I made my Scythe close to ripping his throat out, as I have only taken 5-6 steps to get to close range as I said, "It's Admiral Wraith to you, filth, and I'm not just any Wretched creature. I'm hell, do you understand?"

He made a slight nod, making sure he didn't cut himself on my Scythe.

"Good, now get out and swear fealty to Megatron before I rip out your vocal cord."

Starscream did exactly that, as I stood there, polishing my beautiful Scythe, even weapons need to be taken care of.

So I awaited next commands, by striding over to Megatron, after Starscream was dismissed asking, "Is there a first mission, or can I take a much-needed recharge, Lord Megatron?" To further prove loyalty I bowed to him heavily. Other Mechs were leaving to return to their duels, watching duels and whispering of my power, even my influence on Starscream. To be fair, power shows influence to others.

Megatron said, "Rest, there's a Berth room for you to recharge in, next to my own room, I don't expect you to recharge, but you can... redecorate it to your liking."

I stood up, saluting and said, "Thank you, Lord Megatron I leave you in peace."

I stopped saluting and headed to my room thinking to myself, 'Things couldn't go any better my way...'

Things went a way, I didn't even begin to imagine.

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