A brief History

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~(This chapter will be done for the Autobot base. No particular P.O.V.)~

"Prime, who was that? How was she able to block all of our fire and redirect it?" Arcee asked as they got back to their base.

"That... was a bot I hoped we'd never meet..." The Prime admitted.

"Yet even if she was able to block and redirect our fire, she never attacked Prime when she got close enough." The Wrecker said, thinking he was on a clue.

"So she's weak?" Bumblebee said, a tiny bit confused.

"No, Bumblebee. She's incredibly dangerous." The Prime once again admitted.

"So... What... She's an incredibly agile, dangerous psychopath that seems to take in Megatron's pede-steps?" Arcee fired back.

"No... She was an assassin for a powerful mech-"

"The one she calls the Fallen. Who is this 'Fallen' anyway, Prime?" The Wrecker, Bulkhead interrupted.

"The Fallen was none other than Megatronus. Powerful without a doubt and exceeds in battle. That femme we fought was named Wraith." Optimus Prime said with some doubt.

"So, her name is Wraith because of what? Her looks?" Arcee asked, with what is assumed, interest.

"I would presume so, Arcee. Her original name was lost and never recovered." Optimus answered.

"What makes her different to other femmes like myself, Prime?" Arcee continued.

"She has... unnatural abilities. Able to summon about any type of weapon out of nothing and also able to change her form." Optimus revealed about Wraith.

"So we should take her out as soon as possible, right Optimus?" Arcee claimed, a bit too eager.

"Yes. But she is extremely hard to take down. I do not know what can take her down." Optimus admitted.

"From what we've seen and probably heard, she sounds invincible." Bulkhead basically replied. Unhappy that they have a new enemy to face.

"For now, the rest of you can recharge. I must tell Ratchet about this new threat." Optimus finishes the conversation. Efficiently, turning around and walking to Ratchet.

"What was that about 'Bee?" Raf asked Bumblebee, walking over to the cybertronian group when Optimus left.

"We have a new foe, named Wraith, who's with the Decepticons." Bumblebee replied without enthusiasm.

Raf immediately becomes a tiny bit scared. Miko was rocking to some tunes and Jack was playing a game. Raf walks up to Miko first.

"Miko. Have you heard? There's a new Decepticon... Her name's Wraith!" Raf exclaimed, terrified as all hell.

Miko immediately stops what she was doing. "What? A new Decepticreep? Well Bulkhead should snuff her out!"

"No! Seriously! This decepticon is invincible!" Raf continued.

"Well, what do you think we could do? We're not Cybertronians!" Miko remarked.

"Think about it, Miko. WE might be able to influence her or something." Raf protested. He kept thinking his plan will work.

"Well tell it to Jack, he might help with your... idea." Miko stated, going back to jamming but thinking about Raf's small suggestion.

Raf sighed a bit, finally heading up to where Jack was situated.

"Jack! Have you heard the news?" Raf now becoming more concerned over the fact that there's a new decepticon.

"No, not really. What's the news Raf?" Jack pauses his game gets up and walks to Raf.

"There's a new Decepticon named Wraith. A-And she's supposedly invincible!" Raf states, nearly freaking out now.

"Woah! Woah, woah woah... Nothing is invincible Raf. The Autobots know what they're doing they'd probably put Wraith in her place." Jack replies, calm as all hell.

"Your right... But maybe we can... I don't know... Change her mind and make her switch sides, maybe?" Raf slowly calms down.

"Sure. If firstly, we can convince Optimus to take us on another mission to that flying fortress." Jack replies, with a small encouraging smile.

"Which won't be happening. Raf, your plan might work, but she's too dangerous for you to confront. The three of you are better staying here under the watchful eyes of Ratchet." Optimus interjects into the conversation.

Arcee walks over to the small group. "Hey, Jack. Want a ride home?" Arcee asks. Quite unsure if he does want a ride home.

"Yeah, any time, Arcee." Jack walks over to Arcee as she transforms into her alt. Bike mode. Already revving her engines. "Alright! Alright I'm coming..."

"Bumblebee take Raf home, Bulkhead take Miko home." Optimus looks to the two transformers. The two transformers nod and transform into their alt. Modes, waiting for the humans.

Once the two Autobots are left alone, Optimus explains the situation to Ratchet. Ratchet only trembles in fear of that one dreadful name.


~(I'm sorry for the delay! I know... This chapter sucked terribly. Hate me and my dreadful cough that I've had for... 7 weeks now. Other than that, have a nice day!)~

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