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(Narrated by Wraith herself. Because I'm bored and I got nothing else to do. Also to elaborate on some things because behind those screens... I KNOW YOU'RE CONFUSED AS HELL! So I'll allow Wraith to do the tale of her beginnings... possibly, I don't know. YOU FIGURE IT OUT!)

My story began approximately 1-2 millennium before Megatron. I had no recollection of my parents so they either left me when I was a very little sparkling or one cared for me for awhile until I gained memory of my surroundings.

I was around 13 sparkling age, and I heard stories of Megatronus. I was fascinated, his stories were as famous as his techniques to pulverize his enemies to a mere spark. I never began to imagine working before him or with him... but I did practice his techniques. I was intrigued-- or more like I was enthralled by the stories and him. No one took notice of me as I was... different, a half-breed. No one cared for me as they thought I would bring bad luck. Especially my tail. Most have thought that it brings anyone death who dares gaze upon it.

I started to gain my powers by the age of 14 sparkling age nearly out of the sparkling ages. So I started to practice some of Megatronus's techniques with a dagger, though it was small. I trained on the side of a street, no one cared or took notice of me, so I minded my own business as well. Highly concentrated on doing my skills with a dagger. I was self-training myself so I was used to the chatting going on beside, behind and in front me. I heard a voice, "Excuse me, but what's your name?"

All chatting ceased and everyone turned to look my way, I wasn't shy or nervous and continued to self-train myself. I replied to the voice without turning to see who it is, "I call myself Steelfrost. You want a show of my talent?" Because of me self-training myself, some have though that I was a starting bounty hunter. So the pay I got helped me survive for awhile. Back then also, I used to name myself Steelfrost to sound intimidating. It never worked but it gave slight fear in their optics but mostly because of my tail.

The voice said, "Well Steelfrost, would you like to be trained properly under my techniques?"

It was true, I'd use Megatronus's techniques when training myself and it was most-noticeable. I turned to the voice and I nearly swooned. For there stood Megatronus speaking to me. I reluctantly said to him, "Yes please, sir. I'd do anything to know your techniques!... if it's already fine with you that is..." Because people have asked thousands of times from Megatronus to even GET a singular teach of his techniques. But him talking to me back then? That was a memorable scene in my database. I wasn't even up to his shoulder but I was tall enough to let him only look down and not lean or kneel to talk to me.

He smiled slyfully and beckoned me to follow him. I was slightly hesitant but I followed anyway. I didn't know back then that it would change my history for eternity.

We got to his headquarters and I was astonished that I gave out a small squeak of piled up excitement and joyfulness. He had some of his weapons on the walls,  but the walls were well-polished this was obviously a base as well as some soldiers were going around saluting Megatronus. Ignoring me of course.

Megatronus once again beckoned me to follow him and I was more than reluctant to follow him.

He led me to one of the two training areas. The other 'training area' was basically an arena. I was more than hyped to start training with him.

By the age of 15 I was his personal bounty Hunter and knew most of his techniques. I developed very few of my own techniques that I was still trying to master myself. I'd also developed a habit of singing to myself or getting an instrument and doing a song. But it was a rare habit and Megatronus disagreed of the habit. So I did it when he was elsewhere. I also had a habit of training myself with my eyes closed. I was a natural at it even I was surprised when I first did it on accident so I grew accustomed to it. Because if there was a place superbly dark I can utilize the ability to my own advantage. I also got a first kill by this age. The mechs name was 'Wildstrike' and like his name suggested he striked wildly around himself to get rid of the enemy before heading head-on onto the same enemy with an axe. I was dissapointed heavily in him.

Fast-forward to me being around 40 femme-years old. I had my own small army. But I was famous enough to start getting soldiers myself. I trained them so heavily in different types that it was hard to imagine I still live to this day to even give some talk about my army strategies. I had a General of each department; Scouts, first-line (and only line) defence, offensive, the tanks. the medics and the elites. I was proud.

Fast-forward around 100 years later, we engaged in many many battles. We won all of them. We were unstoppable I changed my name to Wraith but my men started calling me 'Ghost' as even when I was right in front of the enemy they couldn't see me. Somehow I allowed them to continue making names. It was nice back then. When I first saw Unicron though, he was good-looking. If he asked me a question I'd respond very reluctantly. Even as by the age of 90 femme-years I'd taken my first take of Dark-Energon. He knew I liked him so he teased me sometimes. But did I care back then? No.

Fast-forward around a millennium later, and I was the main strategist in Megatronus's army, I was the main or possibly only one to have flawless plans. Until that one singular battle... the one battle where I underestimated my enemy...

A single, bloody, prime.

I allowed my guard down to assess the enemy. The enemy where I let my guard down too much. He knew EXACTLY where I was and fired then pursued to try and hunt me down. I was injured, but not too heavily. Though I was limping. He caught up to me, so I quickly called in for my medics and elites. My Generals asked where before the prime blasted my help from my hand. (Communication) Did I plead for mercy? No. I begged for death from him. I was basically slumped against a wall, he took aim and fired me in the leg, only once and it brought me down to the floor. I gave him pained eyes, still pleading for death, though I did it before my voice-box was out. He turned back towards his allies, and never once looking back at me. I was too dangerous to be left alive yet this... PRIME let me live. Did he know I was going to live? Apparently not. But that was the last memory I had before I blacked out. 

 Wraith:So now you're up-to-date with my story. Uneventful backstory 'ey? Well too bad.
Me:Wraith please. There's still more coming to your story yet.
Wraith: Wait... WHAT!?
Me:*Closes chat intercom.* Well then... that was something...

(Yes I went a bit crazy at the end, but thank you for reading the background information on my OC. Though I had to admit it WAS pretty uneventful. I could've put SO MUCH MORE in yet I pull that off. "WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I hear you ask? Absolutely everything. Thank you for reading and enjoy your morning, evening or night. BYE!)

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