Imagine #1

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#1 - You're an employee at Lexcorp. One day when you're working overtime, with a minimal amount of people in the building, the fire alarm goes off, and you find yourself standing next to Lex. Typical fanfiction fluff ensues.


 You finally looked up from your computer screen after what felt like ages. The clock on your wall showed that it was 1 am, and you realized that you had to wrap things up quickly. Last time you checked, it was only 10:30. Now, Lex didn't mind his employees working late, but you didn't want to push your limits on how long you could get away with staying.

Suddenly, a shrill beeping came from the fire alarm behind you. In your half-asleep half-awake state, the abrupt sound caught you off guard, making you jump. You grabbed your bag and quickly ran out of the building. Once you were outside, you realized you forgot your sweater.

Crap, you thought. I'm gonna freeze to death out here. There weren't that many people out there, mainly just security guards. You noticed Lex pacing back and forth, not knowing what had just happened inside his building. Your teeth started chattering when Lex turned around and noticed you. He cocked his head and gave you a worried expression,

"Your lips are turning blue, are you alright?" he inquired. Before you could answer him, he cut you off.

"Never mind, stupid question. Er - take my jacket." He took off his jacket and put it around you. Although your body was still cold, you felt your face warming up.

"Better?" he raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes ever so slightly. You nodded and felt your face heat up even more. You hoped that you weren't blushing, but that hope was quickly crushed.

"Your face is really red, I swear, it's trying to achieve all the colors of the rainbow tonight. Not that that's a bad thing, rainbows are rather charming," Lex was quick to recover. He suddenly put his arms around you, sending surges of warmth down your arms and back.

"You're still undoubtedly cold, however," he grinned. "Do you mind if I just stay like this? It's fairly cold out and I'd rather not die of frostbite tonight."

"I don't mind," you muttured, your voice coming out softer than you originally intended.

"Why'd you end up staying so late, anyways? Your shift ended quite some time ago," he questioned.

"I was just working on a project and lost track of time," you explained.

"Ah, I see." His clutch on you subtly tightned and he rested his head on your shoulder. "You still don't mind this, right? I'm not making you uncomfortable?"

You laughed. "No, trust me, it's fine," you smiled.

"Do you have a secret you're keeping from me, Y/N?" His tone suddenly shifted.

"Not that I'm aware of, why?" You questioned. Your heart started pounding a million miles a minute. What was Lex thinking of? Was it bad? Why did he wait 5 minutes to ask you? You listened attentively for his response.

After a while, he lifted his head slightly to make eye contact with you, and his eyes squinted.

"You're hiding something from me, Y/N."

"What?" you questioned in disbelief.

"I said, you-" he tapped your nose "- are hiding something from me. Thus I feel inclined to ask, just what are you hiding?"

Your heart started racing. You weren't hiding something, were you? If you were, that was news to you. Lex started up again:

"You accidentally sent a document to me entitled 'Thoughts 4/12/16'."


Now you remembered.

You kept your thoughts on a USB drive instead of the usual journal, so no one would question why you carried a book around. You wrote thoughts that bugged you on documents that you saved to the USB, so you could get them out of your head and focus on your work. In your sleep deprived state, you figured that the document you sent to Lex about 30 minutes ago maybe wasn't about sales projections for the next 2 years. You accidentally sent him the wrong document, and it was the one document you never wanted him to see. You've had a liking towards your boss for a while now, and you figured since that it'd be near impossible to actually get him to see you as more than just an employee, you'd just reveal your love to a virtual paper rather than to him.

"Oh, er, just - just forget about that. That was an accident, you really weren't meant to see that, I'm so sorry," you stammered out an apology. He gave you a smirk.

"Don't be sorry. I just so happen to conveniently have my eye on someone as well," Lex turned around so he was directly facing you, and he put his hands on the sides of your arms. "And I believe that person was named Y/N, and they work for a pretty handsome guy, if I do say so myself." Just as he was about to bring you in closer, you heard a voice say, "All clear!"

"Dammit," Lex cursed. "Come down to my office when you clock in tomorrow, and make sure you get some sleep tonight. Alright?" You nodded and he gave you a bright grin. Tomorrow was sure to be interesting. 

A/N Dear gosh that was so cheesy. Hopefully you guys didn't mind that . ^-^ This is my first imagine that I've ever written, I've written fanfiction in the past (which I've already deleted lmao) but even those weren't all that good. This took me around 2-3 days to write, so hopefully I can work on getting out good work faster. I dunno, just stick with me until I can manage to write something decent. Please leave suggestions, because I have no idea what I'm gonna do next! See you guys next week!

Edit 4/19/16 - Tweaked some minor parts. I found the changes in my Google Docs while I was about to write the 3rd imagine, and I realized I didn't add them in Wattpad! They're not all that noticeable, but I wanted them in anyways. cx

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