Chapter Three

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We arrive on time just as Peter Smite had said. as we got off I looked around and studied the area. it was vast and very open where we were standing but as I looked on I saw that the buildings were closer together all white or light grey and of course round shaped.
The guard who was with us earlier comes up to us and says "In case none of you heard. I am the Peter Smite who was talking on the microphone earlier."
Victoria nods thinking that he had sounded familiar to the rude guard. Nicole gives him a friendly smile "Well I'm glad we get to put a name to one of the handsome faces." Henry smirks at her comment.
Peter continues to speak "Since this is your guys first time to the capital I will give you some instructions. As you are aware the capital is the home of the highest congress member. also where all the other Congress members come for their meetings. Therefore there is more security here then there would be at another congress member's house. So make sure you do everything right and don't act suspicious about anything." He pauses for a moment and says reaching into his pocket and pulling out three small GI cards. "Plug these into your commandphones they will upload into it and debrief you on the locations of your work places here. Also shopping centers and so on."
Victoria took the one with her name on it seeing the GI stood for Government Information and plugged it into her commandphone and watched as the government symbol of four small balls come up with a twirly design behind them came on and waited for her to scan her fingerprint to prove that it was her.
Peter stands there for a moment considering wha to say then finally speaks. "If you guys have anymore qustions dont be afraid to ask them. So do you want to know anything before I leave you and head back to my job?"
Henry looks up from his commandphone after scanning it and says "Actually I do Mr. Peter. It says on here where I'm supposed to go but not who I'm supposed to speak too. Will it tell me that soon?"
Peter replies "Yes it will after you get there it will show you your next thing to do." Henry nods "Thank you sir I will be leaving you guys then. Good Day." and he turns and walks away toward the shuttle depot.
Victoria watches him and turns toward Nicole and smiles "It was so nice meeting you. Hopefully we will see each other again soon." Nicole smiles back and hugs her and replys "Nice meeting you too. Be careful" she whispers the last part and smiles at Peter "See you around" and walks away to toward the buildings
Victoria seeing she was by herself with the man opens her mouth to say goodbye but he was speaking "Good bye for now Miss Victoria I know I will be seeing you again. Since you will be working in the main government building." And with a cold look in his eyes he adds "Your friend was right you better be careful." have finished what he wanted to say he turns abruptly and walks away to the vehicle pad.
Victoria shivers at his last remark not liking him even more and doing her best to to be frightened by it walks toward the shuttle bay. Getting there and getting her ticket she realizes she's riding on the same shuttle as Henry who as soon as he sees her turns away and focuses on something on the wall.
VIctoria gets irritated by the gesture and says not thinking "You know you have to start at least pretending to be my friend sometime. I mean we might be taking the same job and we will know each other until the day we die or break a rule. So please act more human."
Henry lips move up almost into a slight smile and he turns and looks at me. I only then realize how handsome this young man was as he stared at me with his caramel colored eyes and he had his dirty blonde hair in a standing up style. He also had a perfectly arched nose and full lips.
"Excuse me did you hear anything I just said?" Henry ask Victoria looking at her quizzically. Victoria blinks and says quickly "Uh, I'm sorry I was thinking about something." Henry sighs and repeats himself "I said We are not taking the same job we might only see each other when you want info about what I do." "Oh, and what exactly is it that you will be doing?" "I will be a weapon designer. Coming up with new weapons to protect them from any of their enemies." Victoria wonders how smart this guy is and ask "Dont you have to get training for that sort of thing?" "I did I had decided what I wanted to be at 16 therefor they let me start learning early the basics on weapon designing. So now I can go into pro-designing and what I'm doing. I already have a couple ideas for new weapons."
They feel a vibration as a new shuttle comes into the bay area and slows down and stops at the that their station and opens its doors. As people hand a guard their ticket and then steps inside Victoria says to Henry. "That job sounds interesting. I hope you succeed in it." Henry nods his thanks as he gives his ticket to the guard and steps onto the shuttle. As Victoria give the guard her ticket and follows wondering what would happen in the future for them.

The person in the above picture is Henry.

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