Chapter 15

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I have Henry knocked unconscious for the first hour so I can prepare his body for the upcoming treatments after stripping him of his clothes except his under garments I began the process.
I get the shot that will create the Mark on his left Palm I put it into his neck and continue the process. After an hour the Mark is imprinted into his skin and the rest of the preparation is done. I have my assistants move him to the secure chamber of Lab 3 test experiment and leave him for the night as his body soaks in the shots.


I wake up screaming with sweat on my face and dripping off me. I can't believe I Was here and it's not a dream. I thought it would be years until I became one.
A man from the shadows of another cell says to me "Welcome back to the land of the living Newbie."
I try to see him but it's to dark. "I'm sorry I just got here." "Sad for you, sorry you ended up here this place is only meant for the people that they think will actually live through the experiments so they give us the worst ones." I shiver "How long have you been here?"
The guy sighs and lifts his eyes which Henry can see from a far the are a fiery orange almost like like their on fire for real. "I don't know they don't tell us the time it feels like forever though. What's the day today?" He ask after a pause
My whole body felt the drugs running through it so it took a hard time to focus. "Uh today is 4/30/2161" he nods "So a year then. Felt like so so much longer. Iv been here since 3/26/2160"
Henry looks impressed "That's a long time for a Mark to live is your uh mark complete?" I ask really curious. "Yes it is it's actually going farther it's up my arm and goes all the way to my neck where it's climbing now." He says
After a couple minutes he looks up and ask "Do you know what they will be experimenting on you with?" I shake my head "I don't know actually. What did they do to you?" I ask after a second's hesitation.
"They tore me inside out and replaced all my unat cells with bicecfire cells. Making my body instantly fire proof. To make the rest of the long story short. They did something to my follicular cells that allowed them to release a fire cell out of any part of my body at will. Which basically means I can shoot fire out of my body."
I stare at him in disbelief . "I never realized that was possible! Can you show me?" I ask wanting to see him do it now.. I see his arm start to turn slightly a glow then his palm burst into flame and the fire lit of his cell as it danced along his finger tips.
I stare in awe at the possibility that I was seeing that I once thought was impossible. "That is pretty sweet" I say while he had the flame on I realize his cells his separated not only by bars but also glass. I can see that his room is a lot colder I saw ice along the edges.
"Your cell looks super cold" I say as he lets his flames die." Yeah having the cold air makes it kinda harder for me to focus on creating a flame. There is less oxygen in here too." I nod understanding that oxygen feeds flames. "Thanks for doing that."
He smiles "Glad to do it." After about another hour I ask "I never got your name?"
He looks up his eyes glowing with fire "I'ts Luke, Luke Pompia. Henry looks at him slowly "I know a girl who has that same last name." at that Luke's posture changes some as if he's unsure what to say next. "Is she safe?" I nod "For the moment but she's a reporter they don't last that long we both know."
Luke slouches back down in his chair "Of course she would choose that. She's looking for me after all this time."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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